The ruling party will be shown separately to commemorate Labor Day this Sunday

Workers’ Day on May 1 is the excuse chosen by social movements, trade unions and left-wing organizations to stage different events, in clear congruence with their political alignments. Maximo Kirchner will also be at an event, at the closing of the union plenary of the PJ Bonaerense, while the CGT will only be limited to the organization of a day in Azopardo street.

The social movements that today are aligned with the Frente de Todos and, more specifically with Alberto Fernández, such as UTEP, Movimiento Evita, Somos Barrios de Pie and the Clasista and Combative Current (CCC), they promise a massive mobilization at 2:00 p.m. on Avenida de Mayo and 9 de Julio.

In addition to explicit support for the administration, there will be a request to promote projects in Congress, such as the capture of unexpected income, proposed by the Executive, and those initiatives aimed at strengthening the popular economy. In addition, they will reiterate their claim for formalization for those precarious workers.

“We are going to commemorate the International Day of Workers, in a call with clear axes around promoting laws of the popular economy and giving a strong boost to the executive’s project to capture unexpected income and pay the internal debt”, expressed the organizations in a statement on the fly.

In this frame, Juan Carlos Aldereteleader of the CCC and national deputy of the Frente de Todos, asserted: “Today we are particularly saying that we want the broken dishes left by the macrismo and the unprecedented pandemic not to be paid by the workers and the people.”

Social organizations will give their support to the unexpected income tax

Máximo Kirchner is another of the actors who will take advantage of May 1 to make a public appearance. The national deputy of the official coalition will be in charge of closing a union plenary session of the PJ of the province of Buenos Aires that will take place this Saturday, at the premises of the Luz y Fuerza union, located on provincial route No. 41, Baradero. The legislator’s speech is expected at 3:00 p.m.

As advanced Walter Correaone of the union leaders in the area and general secretary of the tanners’ union (SOC), during the plenary session “will be discussed in commissions with different thematic axes: work, wages, prices, IMF, health and safety and occupational hygiene”.

In turn, another of the union leaders of Buenos Aires Peronism, the national deputy of the Frente de Todos, Vanesa Siley, announced the “meeting of the union branch of the Justicialist Party of the province of Buenos Aires Together with colleagues and fellow union secretaries of the District PJs”.

On the other hand, the CGT confirmed that it will only carry out an act at its headquarters on Azopardo street at a time to be confirmed. Andrés Rodríguez, the deputy secretary of the plant, indicated before this medium that it is not essential to face a call at this time.

“On other occasions we have considered it, today it is not planned,” said the historic union leader on the subject. The labor central, on the occasion of the day, has already issued a statement, in which it questioned “the price makers.”

Nor did he ignore the socioeconomic context: he stated that “it is worrying” and that “inflation erodes wages and income, and more seriously impacts the most vulnerable. The paritarias, the emergency income for the informal sectors and the extraordinary increases for retirees and beneficiaries of social plans arranged by the government, generate a transitory relief”.

The left with its own march

Different social and political organizations that make up the Left Front Unity they will also say present in the streets, as happens every year. On this occasion, they will hold a conference on Sunday for International Workers’ Day in the followingnoon in Plaza de Mayo, at 3:00 p.m., under slogans such as the rejection of the “pact with the IMF and the adjustment” and in demand of “salary recovery and a six-hour day.

On the other hand, from the organization they anticipated that the act of the space will be “internationalist”, with the repudiation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the presence of NATO. From the FIT they promise that they will be Myriam Bregman, Nicolas del Caño, Alejandro Vilca, in addition to councilors, legislators, representatives of the Movement of Class Groups and referents of the Network of Precarious and Informal, Pan y Rosas, the Permanent Assemblies for Roof and Work and the women “who lead the fight for housing and student youth”. “We expect the presence of hundreds and hundreds of compañeras and compañeros,” the coalition harangued.

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