Reduce your risk of cancer by 61% thanks to a combination of vitamin D, omega-3 and sport (study)

It is not by chance that it is said that prevention is the best cure. Having a healthy lifestyle and regularly carrying out prophylaxis with your general practitioner are two essential actions that can help prevent the development of several serious illnesses or detect them at an early stage. In this context, there are many scientific studies that aim to examine the methods that help reduce the risk of cancer. One of the most recent research was able to discover a surprising combination that can reduce this risk by 61%. Explanation.

The work was published on April 25, 2022 in the specialized journal Frontiers in Aging.

A study has just discovered the combination that reduces your risk of cancer by 61%

Several are the recommendations of experts in terms of cancer prevention : from diet to sport, through the elimination of certain bad habits such as smoking. The aim of the aforementioned study was to test the individual and combination benefits of vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and a simple muscle strength exercise program on the risk of any type of invasive cancer. A total of 2,157 people from five European countries took part. The volunteers were 75 years old on average and they were followed for a period of five years, from December 2021 to December 2017.

how to reduce the risk of cancer combination of vitamin D omega-3 physical exercise

For the purposes of their study, the researchers divided the participants into eight different groups in order to better test the benefits of the two essential nutrients and physical activity. Here is an overview:

  • Groupe 1 taken 2000 IU of vitamin D3 and one gram of omega-3 daily. The volunteers in this group also performed the muscle exercises three times a week.
  • Le second group received only vitamins.
  • Groupe 3 took vitamin D and went through physical training.
  • Le fourth group received the omega-3 and did the exercises.
  • Le fifth group only took vitamin D3.
  • Groupe 6 received omega-3 alone.
  • Groupe 7 practiced only physical training.
  • Finally, the groupe 8 received placebo.

reduce your risk of cancer by 61% scientific study vitamin D omega-3 physical training

During the five years of the study, the participants were monitored via phone calls and they underwent various health examinations. So, which of the combinations proved to be the most effective in reducing his risk of cancer? According to the researchers, the combination of vitamin D, omega-3 and physical exercise, that is to say the first group, saw a decrease in risk of cancers of 61%. Group 2 and Group 3 also showed slight benefits, but it was the combination of the three that gave the best results.

reduce your risk of cancer vitamin D omega-3 physical exercises scientific study

Before listing the best sources of omega-3 and vitamin D, it is important to first clarify the concept of physical exercise. As for the elderly, it is better to practice walking for at least an hour, if possible, and maintain a consistent pace. In terms of muscle strength exercises, a good example is the abdominal plank for a minute – a rather strenuous activity for the elderly. The editorial staff recommends a consultation with a physiotherapy specialist in order to avoid potential injuries and achieve better results.

The best sources of omega-3s

foods containing omega 3 reduce risk of cancer

It’s no secret that the benefits of omega-3s affect several aspects of human health. In addition to pampering the heart and cardiovascular system, these essential fatty acids further boost brain activity, help lower your risk of cancer (as the study has proven), promote bone health and more. The recommended daily allowance is 250-500 mg for healthy adults. Sources and foods rich in omega-3s include the following:

  • Mackerel: 5,134 mg per 100 g.
  • Salmon: 2,260 mg per 100 grams
  • Cod liver oil : 2,682 mg for one tablespoon
  • Herring: 2,366 mg per 100 g.
  • Oysters: 435 mg per 100 grams
  • Sardines : 1 480 mg pour 100 gr.
  • Anchovies: 2,113 mg per 100 grams
  • Caviar: 1,086 mg for one tablespoon
  • Flax seeds: 2,350 mg for one tablespoon
  • Chia seeds: 5,060 mg for 28 g.
  • Nuts: 2,570 mg per 28 grams
  • Soy: 1 443 mg / 100 gr.

What foods contain vitamin D?

in which foods are vitamin d best sources to reduce the risk of cancer

In addition to strengthen the immune system, nervous and cerebral, vitamin D also contributes to the good health of bones and teeth, to the regulation of insulin levels, to the improvement of pulmonary function and so on. The recommended daily dose is 800 IU (20 micrograms) from food. Here is an overview of foods rich in vitamin D:

  • Wild salmon: 988 IU per serving
  • Canned sardines: one can (regarding 100g) contains 177 IU
  • Cod liver oil: 448 IU for one teaspoon, or 4.9 ml
  • Canned tuna: 268 IU per serving. Do not consume more than 170 g per week.
  • Egg yolks: 37 IU for one egg.
  • Wild mushrooms: up to 2,300 IU per 100 grams

*Sources used:
Frontiers in Aging



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