10 tips to see the solar eclipse without suffering damage to your eyes | astronomical phenomenon | ANSWERS

The wait is regarding to end when, in South Americawe can finally witness a eclipse solar. It is astronomical phenomenon It is characterized, among other things, by causing a special shadow over the territory, but also by being harmful to the eye. For this reason, we give you 10 tips so as not to suffer when watching this event. Here the details.

First, the show will take place this saturday april 30 and, although it can only be seen well from some regions of the subcontinent, that does not prevent us from being cautious while it happens. Is it serious not to do it? Actually yes, it can cause irreversible eye damage.

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It can cause burns to the retina, the tissue in which images are processed and then transmitted to the brain. These injuries can range from mild to severe. and even pictures of permanent blindness can be generated”, explains the doctor Laura TavernINEBA ophthalmologist, for ‘Infobae’.

The event will last around 7 minutes, because the concealment process takes very little time and, as mentioned, there will be few areas from which it can be better appreciated. Of course, one of the alternatives to see it is to use a welder’s mask, since it has the necessary protection to resist the intensity of the phenomenon.

MORE INFORMATION: Solar Eclipse in April 2022: date and where the partial solar eclipse can be seen

From what areas of South America can you see the 2022 solar eclipse?


  • Argentina (central and southern)
  • Chile (central and southern)
  • antarctica
  • Pacific Ocean


  • Uruguay
  • Paraguay
  • Sur de Bolivia
  • Peru

10 tips to enjoy a solar eclipse without suffering damage

  1. Never look at the Sun directly or indirectly, whether or not there is an eclipse; this light can cause blindness.
  2. It is important to appreciate it with the supervision of an adult who knows regarding the subject; it is better to do it in an astronomical observatory with trained professionals.
  3. Special lenses must be used that have a filter capable of blocking the harmful rays of the Sun; these carry a label of ISO 12312-2. In addition to reducing light, they must be able to block solar ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
  4. Before using any special lens, it is important to inspect that it is in good condition, without damage, scratches or any other perforation; must not be more than three years old.
  5. Grade 12 or higher welding mask glass may be used; lower than this are not safe to watch these types of shows.
  6. You also can’t see the Sun through a camera, phone, binocular, telescope, or any optical device without a certified solar filter.
  7. A partial eclipse cannot be seen using homemade filters, sunglasses or X-ray plates, as they can cause damage to the eyes.
  8. Children must be supervised during the time of the event and with adequate protection.
  9. A safe way to watch the eclipse is through live broadcasts on television or the Internet.
  10. It can also be enjoyed thanks to a homemade projector, the same one that can be made using a tube or shoe box, a piece of aluminum and white paper.



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