In 2021, net sales grew by 12.5 percent to EUR 1.959 billion. The fourth quarter in particular made a significant contribution to the increase in sales with EUR 573.8 million, the reason being the higher sales of Varta household batteries and energy storage systems, a constant increase in revenue at Aluflexpack and the gradual recovery in aviation.
The payment
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) rose by 17.1 percent to EUR 318.6 million. The operating result (EBIT) increased by 13.5 percent to EUR 130.3 million. Before taxes, the profit was EUR 114.6 million, net it was 77.5 percent more at EUR 53.4 million. An unchanged dividend of EUR 2.48 per share will be proposed to the Annual General Meeting. In relation to the current stock market price, the dividend yield is therefore 2.7 percent. The number of employees in the Montana Tech Group grew from 10,689 to 11,560 in the previous year.