Little girl from Granby: the mother and the grandmother will sue the DPJ

Three years following the tragic death of the little girl from Granby, a colossal lawsuit once morest the authorities is regarding to be filed by her mother and her paternal grandmother.

The Department of Youth Protection (DPJ), stakeholders and the Val-des-Cerfs School Service Center will be targeted by this lawsuit.

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On April 29, 2019, a seven-year-old girl was found unresponsive on the floor of her bedroom in Granby, tied up and abandoned by her stepmother and father. The next day, his death was declared at the hospital, raising a surge of rage and sadness throughout Quebec.

Arrested by the police shortly following the events, the child’s stepmother and father finally faced justice in recent months.

In December 2021, a jury found the stepmother guilty of unpremeditated murder and forcible confinement. A few days later, the father meanwhile pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of forcible confinement.

The girl’s mother and paternal grandmother are however convinced that the two individuals who faced justice are not the only ones responsible for her death.

This is why they have given the mandate to Me Valérie Assouline to prosecute in civil cases those who, in their view, have failed in their duty.

TVA Nouvelles has learned that this lawsuit will be officially filed in the coming days. In addition to the DPJ, stakeholders will be personally targeted, as will the Val-des-Cerfs School Service Center.

The lawyer who represents the girl’s mother and grandmother confirmed this information, but for the moment avoids specifying the amount that will be claimed. She speaks of an “exemplary amount”.

Remember that at the start of the week, the mother of the two little boys killed during a family tragedy in October 2020 in a Wendake residence formal notice for 2 million dollars to the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse and the Department of Health and Social Services. This file is also led by Me Assouline.



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