Martha Guzmán shows her hair loss in her fight against cancer

Martha Guzman Cabello
Martha Guzmán said that her children participated in the process of her physical change. Photo: Cuartoscuro | Archive

Martha Guzmánwho was the host of “Primero Noticias”, was seen in a photo without hair to talk regarding the hair loss he has had in his fight once morest breast cancer.

The presenter revealed last February that she had been detected breast cancer. the disease of Martha Guzmán it did not expand because she underwent surgery to remove the cancerous tumor, among other care that has been part of her treatment.

Martha Guzmán reveals that seeing her hair fall made her feel sad

Next to the photograph where she explains what it has been for her lose your hair, Martha Guzmánwho Like other celebrities, he has spoken openly regarding his battle with cancer.He said that he is in a healing process. The driver underwent a chemotherapy treatment of which one of the reactions is the loss of hair.

“I had not shared any photos like this, not out of pity, but because everything is a process that must be assimilated. I know it’s just hair and although it’s not the most important thing, it is important. I said goodbye to my hair on February 15, since seeing how it fell little by little, I don’t deny it, made me feel sad “

Martha Guzmán

The communicator added that her children accompanied her in the process of say goodbye to your hair following her doctor told her she had two options; one of them conserving her hair with a device “that cools your scalp” without guaranteeing that a large part of it would not fall out or looking for a cancer wig.

“I decided to shave when my hair started to fall out, my children asked me to be the ones who would pass me the electric razor, they wanted to know what it felt like and so we did it, as a team”

Martha Guzmán

The host of the program “El Chismorreo” explained that she kept her hair as long as she might, however, once it began to fall, she had gone bald in three days.

“That’s how I I see without a wig, I’ve gotten used to it and it reminds me that I’m going through a healing process and every symptom, skin sores, bruised nails, sensitive and white tongue, watery eyes, tiredness, hot flashes, dizziness and all the ailments that I can feel, they are passing so that breast cancer never comes back “

Martha Guzmán

In his message, Guzmán recommended that women touch themselves and get mammograms, as well as ultrasounds every year. He stressed that his story would have been different “if she had not detected breast cancer in time.”



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