War in Ukraine: How the CIA saved the life of President Volodymyr Zelensky

From the beginning of the conflict, a Russian commando in charge of the assassination of the Ukrainian president was neutralized thanks to information from the American intelligence agency. Since then, data exchanges have multiplied between Washington and kyiv, as revealed by the American media.

The United States has chosen an almost unlimited commitment alongside Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion: delivery of weapons, record financial aid of 33 billion dollars, but also military intelligence.

A commando sent to kill him

Since the beginning of the conflict, the information shared by the Americans with the Ukrainian soldiers would have made it possible to inflict heavy losses on Russia, according to information from the American channel NBC News The latter revealed this Thursday evening, April 28, how the CIA would have even saved the life of the Ukrainian president.

At the start of the conflict, the CIA spotted a commando on the move in the kyiv region. Quickly, the American services are certain that this group of men is on a special mission. Their target: President Volodymyr Zelensky.

A dozen assassination attempts

Alerted, the Ukrainian troops would have managed to locate the Russian commando, then to eliminate it, still according to NBC News. The threat of assassination of the highest representative of the Ukrainian state is very real. At the beginning of March, the New York Post revealed that Volodymyr Zelensky had escaped at least twelve assassination attempts since the beginning of the conflict.

Satellite data, wiretaps and information gleaned on the ground by agents of the CIA and other international secret services are at the heart of the war. This Thursday, April 28, our colleagues from Parisian listed the actions on the ground carried out thanks to information from the American agency.

US intelligence decisive in the conflict

They mention in particular the very early announcement of the Russian invasion, but also the Ukrainian military losses avoided thanks to the revelation of places at high risk of bombardment. NBC News also reports the case of a downed Russian troop carrier thanks to information from the Pentagon.

The 300 Russian soldiers who were in this jumbo jet were to be thrown to the site of an airport near kyiv. A key place that might have precipitated the fall of the city.



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