Otoniel’s appeal against his extradition is denied by the Ministry of Justice – Investigation – Justice

The maximum chief of the ‘Gulf clan’, Dairo Antonio Usuga David, alias Otoniel, is running out of regular resources to avoid its extradition to the United Stateswhere several processes for drug trafficking await him.

(We invite you to read: ‘Otoniel’ turned on the fan at the last minute, but he takes away truths).

This following the Ministry of Justice He sent a negative response to the appeal that the kingpin’s defense had filed once morest the extradition resolution that President Iván Duque signed a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, the official refusal of his appeal must be signed by the Duke himself.

(Also read: The revelations of ‘Otoniel’ in his latest version before being extradited).

Ministry sources confirmed that the minister Wilson Ruiz He has already sent the response to the Presidency denying the appeal for replacement of ‘Otoniel’. Now only the signature of President Duque would be pending.

In addition, Ruiz published a trill in this regard: “With the Presidency of the Republic we are studying the reconsideration appeal filed by the defense of Dairo Antonio Úsuga, alias ‘Otoniel’. We have a term of two months to resolve it. We will do it in the shortest possible time”.

(We recommend: Express process will make ‘Otoniel’ the 36th prisoner extradited this year).

In any case, Duque is expected to sign and formalize the negative response at any time, and then request legal guarantees from the US government regarding the treatment of the defendant.

These guarantees refer, basically, to compliance in matters of dignified treatment and respect for human rights, as well as due process.

After that, what will remain is that the logistics for the shipment of alias Otoniel to the United States can be coordinated, which might happen very quickly.

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