New 2022 vaccination schedule: key points with…

Le new vaccination calendar and vaccination recommendations 2022 was published on April 20, 2022 by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. We report here the main novelties, before coming back to them in more depth in the coming days. In the meantime, changes to the text of the recommendations have been identified and highlighted in this document annotated by MesVaccins.

These new recommendations have been integrated into the tools using the vaccine decision support system of (vaccine audit on MesVaccinsvaccination audit on Vaccination info service in version grand public or in health professionals version, electronic vaccination record).

Vaccination recommendations once morest covid 19 and the vaccines available once morest this disease being subject to change, health professionals are invited to consult the website of the Ministry of Health or that of the High Authority for Health; the Vaccination info service site also updates information concerning covid 19 and its vaccination.

Vaccination recommendations related to travel and stays abroad are not included in the vaccination schedule and are the subject of a specific opinion from the High Council for Public Health (HCSP). This notice is usually updated each year in May-June (see the latest recommendations here); in 2022, the health recommendations for travelers should be updated in the fall.

1. New recommendations

The whooping cough vaccination is recommended for pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy (preferring the period between 20 and 36 weeks of amenorrhea) in order to ensure optimal protection of the newborn. This vaccination can be carried out with a combined tetravalent dTcaP vaccine (diphtheria-tetanus-poliomyelitis-pertussis), with reduced doses of diphtheria toxoid (d) and pertussis antigens (ca, for acellular pertussis); in practice, vaccines corresponding available in France are the vaccines Repevax or Boostrixtetra.

Vaccination once morest invasive serogroup B meningococcal infections par Bexsero is recommended for all infants from the age of 2 months and before the age of 2 years with the following vaccination schedule: first dose at 3 months, second dose at 5 months and booster dose at 12 months (M3-M5- M12). Vaccination once morest meningococcal B is also recommended for those close to people at high risk of invasive meningococcal disease. A booster vaccination once morest meningococcal B every 5 years is recommended for people at risk of continued exposure to serious meningococcal infections.

The seasonal flu vaccination is now recommended for professionals exposed to porcine and avian viruses at work. This vaccination is a collective protection measure aimed at preventing the transmission of human influenza viruses to animals and not an individual protection measure once morest porcine or avian zoological viruses.

2. New indications

The vaccine Trumenbamarketed in France since September 1, 2021, is indicated for the active immunization of subjects from the age of 10 for the prevention of invasive meningococcal diseases caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B, in people with an increased risk of meningococcal infection and for people eligible for specific recommendations. This vaccine is currently not covered by health insurance.

The flu vaccine Influvac Tetra can now be used according to its marketing authorization (AMM) from the age of 6 months (and no longer 3 years) as part of the vaccination strategy once morest seasonal influenza.

3. Regulatory news

3.1. Extension of vaccine skills

Since the last seasonal flu vaccination campaign (2021-2022 flu season), community nurses and pharmacists can vaccinate all adults, including those not targeted by the vaccination recommendations. Midwives, community pharmacists and nurses, without a medical prescription prior to the act, may administer certain non-living vaccines to persons aged 16 and over concerned by the vaccination recommendations (see the news of April 26, 2022).

3.2. Prescription of vaccines by occupational physicians, excluding vaccinations related to professional exercise

Vaccines from the vaccination schedule prescribed by occupational doctors or school doctors are now reimbursed by health insurance.

This new vaccination calendar was published during vaccination week (April 25 to 1is May 2022). This event is an opportunity to promote vaccination to the general public, in particular by communicating on the new 2022 vaccination calendar and on digital solutions such as the electronic vaccination record of, made available to all citizens and providing personalized information on vaccine needs for better vaccination, without defects or excesses. Steps are underway to integrate the electronic vaccination record into the digital health space.

Source: Ministry of Health.



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