Firearm: rapper White-B sentenced to two years less a day in prison

Montreal rapper White-B has just been sentenced to two years less a day in prison for pulling out a gun in front of a worker who was passing in an alley and who allegedly nearly ran over his Chihuahua.

“Neither the size of the dog nor that of his master impressed [la victime]. He fears for his safety only from the moment the accused exhibits what looks like and says to be a real firearm, ”we can read in a decision concerning David Bouchard-Sasseville.

The 27-year-old rapper, known among other things for his collaboration with the singer Loud and for having participated in the Festival d’été de Québec last year, had committed his crime in August 2019.

According to the evidence presented during the preliminary investigation, that day, a cement worker had passed through an alley on rue Chabot in Montreal, in order to go to work on sheds. However, while driving, he would have almost crushed the chihuahua of the rapper.

“Ouch, my dog,” White-B reportedly shouted at the worker.

The cement worker would then have replied that the dog should have been tied up before continuing on his way. But the chihuahua would have followed him. An argument would have ensued regarding the small animal and the wearing of the leash.

Except that soon following, Bouchard-Sasseville took a small revolver out of his pocket.

“That, do you think that’s a fake,” the rapper said.


The cement worker quickly called the police, who eventually arrested the rapper.

According to our information, Bouchard-Sasseville carried a firearm in the belief that it was necessary for his safety, when he wanted to cut his ties with unsavory people.

And rather than go to trial, he eventually pleaded guilty to charges related to those threats and the gun he had in his possession.

“He has a lot of regrets, he has to turn the page,” explained his lawyer Me Alexandre Bergevin on Wednesday.

The lawyer also reminded the court that Bouchard-Sasseville was an artist with “a lot of musical talent”, so he was able to make a living from his music.

Recalling the danger of firearms, Judge Manlio Del Negro endorsed the lawyers’ joint suggestion. In addition to the sentence of two years less a day in prison, the rapper was banned from owning firearms for 10 years.

Note that Bouchard-Sasseville is currently detained in Ontario, in connection with an offense related to the possession of a firearm.



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