Warnings that your heart is not working as it should
Taking care of our heart health is especially important for our general well-being, and unfortunately, heart problems are a fairly common cause of death. Heart disease often develops gradually over years or even decades. However, we can prevent or even alleviate some damage by making changes to our lifestyle.
Take a look at the gallery to discover 30 warning signs that we must not ignore.
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foot sores
Sores or wounds on the feet that appear for no apparent reason might be related to problems in the aorta. If you have these symptoms, see a doctor.
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Leg cramps
Frequent cramps in the butt, thighs, or calves might be a symptom of aortoiliac occlusive disease.
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pain in the toes
Pain in the toes that occurs for no reason might also indicate possible aortoiliac occlusive disease.
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productive cough
If you cough up white or pink mucus, it may be due to fluid retention in the lungs, which is often linked to heart problems.
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jaw pain
Strange pain in your jaw, teeth, or neck can be a sign that something is wrong with your heart.
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Loss of hair on the legs
It may seem like a wonderful thing, but unfortunately it can be related to peripheral arterial disease, which can reduce blood flow.
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leg heaviness
If you have this disease, your legs may feel heavy or you may even experience pain, numbness, or weakness in your legs.
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Frequent service visits
If you have to get out of bed more often at night to urinate, pay attention to other possible symptoms, as you might have heart problems.
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tightness in the throat
If you experience a severe and persistent feeling of tightness in your throat, you might be having a heart attack. Keep calm and call emergencies.
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sudden weight gain
Heart problems can cause fluid retention, which can lead to sudden weight gain. We might be talking regarding between 0.9 and 1.36 kg in 24 hours or 2.27 kg in a week.
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Swollen feet or ankles
It might be due to fluid retention, which is sometimes related to heart problems.
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cold sweats
Cold sweats that come on suddenly can be a symptom of a heart attack, even if you don’t feel chest pain. If you feel really bad, seek help immediately.
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sudden nausea
If you suddenly feel very nauseated, you might be having a heart attack. Vomiting and dizziness can be signs of a heart attack, even if we don’t experience chest pain.
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Erectile dysfunction
One of the possible causes of erectile dysfunction is arterial obstruction. If you’re worried, check with your doctor.
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irregular heart rhythm
If you feel an irregular heartbeat when you are at rest, see a doctor.
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Heart palpitations are the most common symptom of atrial fibrillation. If you have a flutter-like sensation in your heart, see a doctor, as this might increase your risk of stroke.
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Arm or shoulder pain
Sharp pains in the arm or shoulder can be a sign of impending heart disease. Also, severe pain in your arm might indicate that you are having a heart attack.
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Extreme tiredness when exercising
If following exercising you feel much more tired than usual, you may have some type of congenital heart defect. Get a medical check-up to rule out problems.
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chronic fatigue
If you are constantly very tired, maybe something is wrong. If in doubt, see a doctor.
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confusion and forgetfulness
Memory loss and confusion may be due to a change in the levels of chemicals in the blood, which might be related to a heart problem.
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Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain, especially if it occurs while exercising, might indicate that we are developing heart disease.
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Chest pain
Sometimes the symptoms of an impending heart attack can be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn. Check how long the pain persists and, when in doubt, seek help.
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chronic snoring
We must pay attention to snoring so that it does not lead to sleep apnea. We can prevent major problems by reducing the amount of alcohol we drink and quitting tobacco.
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Sleep apnea
Possible consequences of sleep apnea include stroke, heart failure, and high blood pressure.
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Panic attack?
The symptoms of a panic attack and those of a heart attack can be surprisingly similar. When in doubt, seek help as soon as possible.
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Severe headaches
A persistent headache can be a sign of a stroke or blood clot in the heart. If you are worried, ask for help immediately.
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respiratory distress
If you feel constantly short of breath, your heart may not be working as it should. The formation of fluids in the lungs might be the cause of breathing problems.
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tides or fading
An aortic rupture can cause dizziness or lightheadedness. In case of doubt, it is always better to have a review.
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slow heart rate
The technical word for slow heart rate is bradycardia. If your heart beats less than 60 times per minute, consult a specialist.
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Back pain
If you feel pain in your back that comes from your chest, you should go to a medical center, as it might be related to a heart attack.
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