Professor of Medicine: the UCM seeks cardiologists

The Faculty of Medicine of the UCM.

The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) has launched a call to fill a professor position in the School of Medicine linked to the specialty Cardiology.

The Official State Gazette (BOE) collects this Wednesday the announcement of the competition to fill a position as Professor of Medicine at the UCMwhich is regulated through the agreement established between the Madrid university and the Ministry of Health autonomic This call is in fact the result of the agreement that was closed in the Mixed Commission between both organizations on February 17.

Requirements to be a university professor

In this way, the search for a specialist in Cardiology will begin to fill a university professor position linked to the Department of Medicine of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital. To be admitted to the competition, applicants must have Spanish or European nationality (or persons included in the scope of application of international treaties ratified by Spain in which the free movement of workers is applicable) or be a spouse or descendant of Spanish or citizen of the European Union.

At the same time, the UCM claims that the candidates have a functional capacity to perform the tasks corresponding to a university professor, as well as not being in a situation of permanent suspension of function or in Disqualification from employment or public office.

Those who wish to take part in the access competitions, will send the corresponding request to the Rector of the Complutense University of Madrid, in the period of fifteen business days counted from this Thursday, April 28.

The provisional list of applicants will be known once the deadline for submitting applications has ended, and will be announced by the rector of the UCM, Joaquin Goyache.

Test to be a professor at the UCM

The entrance contest will consist of a single test which will be public. Specifically, it will consist of an oral presentation of a topic from the area of ​​knowledge assigned to the position, for a maximum time of sixty minutes for each candidate. Subsequently, the Evaluation Committee will debate with each candidate for a maximum time of 120 minutes regarding their academic history and regarding the subjects of their specialty and their application to teaching, as well as regarding the teaching and research project.

The overall assessment of each candidate will be obtained from the weighted sum of the score of the curriculum (with weight of 60 percent on the final score) and the score of the public session (40 percent).

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