According to Russian officials, an ammunition depot caught fire in the Belgorod region on the Ukrainian border. This is located near the village of Staraya Nelidovka, the governor of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said on Telegram, as the Russian agency Interfax reported on Wednesday. Gladkow went on to say that no residential buildings or houses had been destroyed and that there were no civilian casualties.
Since the start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine around two months ago, there have been several reports from Russian officials regarding incidents and shelling of locations on the Russian side. Some incidents also sparked speculation as to whether weapons delivered to Ukraine by NATO countries might have been used on Russian territory.
In view of the incidents, Moscow had threatened Ukraine with increasing targeting of command posts for rocket attacks in the capital Kyiv. Even if “Western advisers” were there, their presence would “not necessarily” be a problem if Russia made decisions regarding retaliatory measures, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.
Earlier, British Defense Secretary James Heappey said it was “perfectly legitimate for Ukraine” to attack targets in Russia in order to disrupt Russian army logistics and prevent further bloodshed on its own territory. If weapons delivered from Great Britain were used, it was “not necessarily a problem”. After all, there are many countries that use imported weapons.