La Jornada – Video games provide skills: First International Congress of Medical Surgeon Udlap

Mexico City. With the aim of contributing to the comprehensive training of students, updating them on research, trends and progress in medicine, the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), through its Department of Health Sciences and the Roundtable of Medical Surgeon, carried out last weekend, the I International Congress of Medical Surgeon, «The medicine of our era: realities and perspectives».

Event that included the participation of speakers of national and international stature, who in conferences developed topics of internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics, Covid-19, innovation and technology.

The welcome to the congress was given by Dr. José Daniel Lozada Ramírez, dean of the UDLAP School of Sciences, who highlighted that we are currently facing very significant circumstances for humanity, where scientific and technological advances allow doctors being able to develop in a more focused and safe way towards the treatment of patients.

“But we must not forget that there are many basic things that still have no solution, precisely in this type of basic challenges is the work of each and every one of you; Therefore, I ask you to focus on all aspects of human health, on developing attitudes, knowledge and devices that allow patients to be treated and cured in a more humane way and thus improve the quality of life for all”, affirmed the Dr. Lozada Ramirez.

One of the conferences that took place as part of the I International Congress of Surgeons was entitled New technologies in learning maternal-fetal medicine by Dr. Rogelio Cruz Martínez, a specialist in fetal medicine and surgery, who spoke regarding the new technologies to be learned and how these have been incorporated into the area of ​​maternal-fetal medicine. “An example of this is that with the advancement of technology, advanced surgical simulators are being used, which allow learning surgical procedures as simple as the placement of an intrauterine device, which require certain learning curves.”

Something highlighted by Dr. Rogelio Cruz during his presentation is that currently certain video games can help develop specific skills for some surgical procedures; “An example of this is a study that was carried out on two groups of doctors, one using Wii and the other Playstation, which resulted in the fact that following having a considerable time of training with these video games, both had an 80% improvement in skills. and in surgical time”.

He also mentioned that virtual reality is a technology that many universities are already using, because through virtual models they learn anatomy, physiology systems or specific complexes of some specialties, for example, the study of the fundus of the eye.

Finally, Dr. Cruz Martínez emphasized that virtual reality technology has provided many creative tools and ideas that are widely accepted by the new generations accustomed to video games that transport them to another universe, which now leads us to have a metaverse of medicine. . “Today’s doctor with a viewer can see a pregnant woman and might perform an endoscopy inside the amniotic cavity, to perform procedures such as a placental laser for fetoscopy. The simulator gives guidelines on how to apply anesthesia, become familiar with the different instruments or make a small millimeter incision in the maternal abdomen”.

Other presentations given during the I International Congress of Surgeons were: Update on deep brain stimulation, First heart transplant surgery in Mexico: current perspectives, Neurological complications in COVID-19; among other.



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