Medical pressure so that Trueta does not take longer

The project has not yet been drawn up and, according to calculations by the Generalitat, the future Girona Health Campus, whose flagship is the new Josep Trueta hospital, will not be a reality for another eight or ten years. But to prevent the project from being delayed any longer, the Col·legi de Metges de Girona (COMG) has created an observatory that will evaluate every six months the degree of compliance of the future campus, which apart from the Trueta, will also integrate the faculties of Medicine and Nursing and the Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBGI). The objective of this observatory, an organization that has the backing of the UdG or the Chamber of Commerce, among others, “is not to complain or confront us, but to make the campus move forward and the deadlines are met”, as explained yesterday by the president of the COMG, Josep Vilapalana.

The calendar has been broken on several occasions. The year 2016 was the last scheduled date for the inauguration of the new Trueta. The head of the cardiology service at the Josep Trueta hospital, Ramon Brugada, remembered it yesterday. “In 2008, during the inauguration of the Faculty of Medicine, I told my students that they would do the sixth year in the new Trueta,” recalled the cardiologist, who insisted that “we cannot go back to sleep, we will be very hammering so that it does not stop”. Brugada will be in charge of the observatory with doctors Antoni Codina, Wifred Ricart and Magda Nadal, who will be in charge of rendering public accounts every half year on the progress made in the project or the problems that may arise. “The need for the campus is obvious”, the director of the IDIBGI, Marga Nadal, stated yesterday.

Currently, the municipalities of Girona and Salt, where the medical equipment will be located, are carrying out the pertinent urban modifications, prior to making the land available to Salut. A phase in which there might be legal litigation for various expropriations. “Either we wake up or they will pass us by and we will have to wait twenty more years,” said the head of the surgery area of ​​the Trueta hospital, Antoni Codina.



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