They asked him, Shalaby, about the reason for breaking off her engagement to Khaled Youssef, so her cheeks turned red.. She revealed the shocking and hidden secret!!

It’s 03:10 am
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Actress Menna Shalaby had previously entered into an engagement experience with director Khaled Youssef, but it was not completed by marriage, and following that she lived the life of a single girl despite being pursued.

And regarding this experience, the artist was exposed to an embarrassing question in one of her interviews with Esaad Younes regarding this engagement, so her cheeks turned red and she was content with not going into the details of this experience.

The artistic community spoke regarding the fact that the engagement broke off as a result of what she called the ramifications of the famous Egyptian director, something that was not confirmed by the artist or the director, of course.

In response to frequent questions, the Egyptian artist, Menna Shalaby, has appeared in more than one meeting to explain the secret of her non-marriage so far, with boldness and without shame, stressing that she rejects society’s view of marriage as an outcome, and that a girl must marry in order to have children.

Shalaby said in more than one televised interview: We always hear in our Arab societies the need to catch the train of marriage and childbearing before it is too late, but the matter is not linked to a specific age, and that my child is not just a toy, and that whom I will complete my life with is a human being in the end and not a pet dog.



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