RAM offers 6 million seats and 80 routes for the 2022 summer season

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The airline Royal Air Maroc (RAM) announced on Tuesday the strengthening of its flight program for the 2022 summer season to support the resumption of traffic. The company will thus offer 6 million seats on 80 air routes across the four continents, we learn from a press release.

Thanks to the reopening of a large part of the air routes closed since the health crisis and the opening of new routes such as Tel Aviv and Dubai, RAM will recover almost 90% of its 2019 network, adds the press release, which specifies that more than 2.2 million seats will be offered on the European continent. Thus, some 437 frequencies per week will connect 9 Moroccan airports to 32 airports in Europe.

In detail, 890,000 seats will be offered to France with 400 flights and 200 frequencies, connecting 9 French airports to 8 Moroccans. The only destination Paris (CDG and Orly) offers 121 frequencies per week, it is specified.

On the rest of Europe, 43 air routes will connect 22 European airports to 8 Moroccan cities for a capacity of more than 1.3 million seats for 237 frequencies per week. The lines connecting Casablanca to Barcelona, ​​Bologna, Malaga, Madrid, Brussels, and Milan, will also switch to a double daily flight, underlines RAM.

For Africa, RAM is strengthening its network, which will increase to 25 air routes and an offer of 900,000 seats for some 110 frequencies per week.

In North America, the company will offer nearly 500,000 seats, i.e. 6% more than in 2019. The 4 air routes linking Casablanca to New York, Washington, Montreal and Miami will thus offer 35 weekly frequencies.

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In the Middle East, RAM will offer 200,000 seats (+25%) with 17 frequencies on the 6 air routes operated by the company linked to Casablanca. In addition to Jeddah, Riyadh, Medina, Cairo and Tel Aviv launched last March, the company will expand its network with the opening very soon of a new air route linking Casablanca to Dubai.

Moreover, in order to launch this program in the best conditions, Royal Air Maroc will charter high-performance aircraft according to the criteria and standards of safety and comfort imposed by the competent authorities and by Royal Air Maroc.

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