Eduardo Feinmann’s question about Chano that dislodged Jorge Lanata

In the image that he showed on the air louis ventura in the program True Secrets, Americayou can see the artist smiling and dressed very elegantly with the journalists Diego Leuco y Rolando Barbano. “The daughter of Jorge Lanata, Bárbara, went to look for him and they brought him,” the driver specified.

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Eduardo Feinmann’s direct question to Jorge Lanata regarding Chano

In the radial pass by Mitre this Tuesday, Edward Feinman I dislocated the Jorge Lanata with an intimate question amid rumors of romance of one of the journalist’s daughters, Barbarianwith the singer Chano.

“Don’t you want to be Chano’s mother’s in-law?”Told him Feinmann no laps just started the pass between both radio programs of both.

What Cream dismissed the rumor of an affair between his eldest daughter, Barbariany Chano. The journalist said that both are very close friends, but that they are not dating, while he assured that he sees little chance of it happening.

“Yes, obviously, but the ones who have to want it are them. I love Chano and my daughter, Barbara, is a very good friend. I think today that possibility does not exist.I answer Jorge Lanata to your colleague.

“The media was saying that”, insisted Feinmann. “The media always say bullshit. We are an example of that.”ironically Cream.


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