Debanhi Escobar: motel cameras did record the young woman inside – Mexico – International

The unknowns of the Debannhi Escobar case in Mexico continue to grow around the Nueva Castilla Motel, in the state of Nuevo León, where the young woman’s body was found on April 21.

(Lea: Debanhi Escobar: they point out that hotel employees perceived a fetid odor)

Escobar, who had disappeared on April 9, was found in a cistern near the motel, which is linked to the case and to which he had apparently entered the 18-year-old before her disappearance and subsequent death.

(You are interested in: Debanhi Escobar: the step by step of the disappearance that shocked Mexico)

As reported by relatives ofe Debanhi, and the authorities themselves, the young woman would have entered the motel “alone”but also, he would have walked through the building, passing through different locations of the motel, according to Luis Enrique Orozco, deputy prosecutor of the case.

It is observed the entry alone, of a female person, walking alone inside. The second camera at a close moment shows that Debanhi walks through the interior, once more alone, she even looks into the restaurant area, trying to visualize the interior that is abandoned and is not part of the use of the property,” Orozo said.

Likewise, the deputy prosecutor announced the opening of investigations into the people who “had prevented the investigation of Debanhi’s whereregardings and location” inside the Nueva Castilla hotel.

In addition, on this same Monday, the International Human Rights Commission referred to the case through its spokesman Omar Tavez, who asserted that Debanhi had blows to other parts of his body.

The family of the young woman who exhumed the body last Saturday, has claimed to find inconsistencies in the casewhich is why they went to the commission, and having declared that “I’m not going to stop. We’re going to stop. We’re tired of them giving us our dead daughters.”

His death, caused by a deep skull contusion, has shocked the entire world and has hundreds of groups awaiting justice for the event, alluding to a possible murder, but awaiting revelations from the Nuevo León Prosecutor’s Office .


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