Maxime Pans, the Liège policeman seriously injured by a bullet, is doing better: “Nine months of fighting to maintain maximum autonomy”

Since September 2019, Maxime Pans is fighting to regain his health. That day, the Liège policeman had been shot in the head while he was carrying out a routine check with his colleague. His assailant had been shot.

“Maxime has been living in the La Célinie rest and care home in Crisnée for nine months now”explains his family.

“Nine months that, every day, Maxime fights to preserve the maximum of autonomy with the help of the medical team of the MRS (physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, psychologists…)”.

Today, Maxime still gets tired very quickly and can only move around in his electric wheelchair for 2 to 3 hours a day. “He learns to live with mobility limited to his only right arm and a complicated oral expression”.

The days are therefore not all easy but Maxime keeps an impressive morale while we try around him to find the little tips and tricks that can improve his daily life.

“Sometimes it’s about blinds that he can operate with his tablet or even a more comfortable bed compatible with the long times that Maxime spends lying down”.

“Maxime is still frequently visited by police colleagues. These contacts give him a lot of pleasure and serenity in exchanges which make him say that policeman remains the most beautiful job in the world”.

His best memory of the past few months is certainly the reception organized by his friends and colleagues, which saw him return to the Hôtel de Police for the first time on January 28th. The weekly visits of her three children are her other ray of sunshine.

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“For the future, beyond a stabilization of Maxime’s condition, there is always hope that medicine will make the progress necessary for a positive evolution.”

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