Thairath Online
25 Apr 2022 18:45
On April 25, 2022, Dr. Suwanchai Wattana Yingcharoenchai Director-General of the Department of Health said that the situation of the epidemic of COVID-19 There are still ongoing infections. Especially working age groups who do not work from home because they still need to travel to work. may be at risk of infection Or an epidemic of COVID-19 can occur due to touching common surfaces such as handrails, door knobs, elevator buttons, tables, chairs, toilets, etc. Working people must strictly control the practice of 6 ways to stay safe from covid-19. -19 as follows
1. Before going to work, you must assess yourself through the system “Thai Safe Thai” or other applications. If found to be a high risk group notify the supervisor and follow the measures of the specified agencies
2. Wear a mask at all times when working. and wash your hands often
3. Regularly clean personal items such as phones, desks.
4. Use online format instead of group discussion. or meeting
5. Do not share items such as glasses, plates, bowls, spoons, forks, etc.
6. Separate meals keep distance from co-workers for high-risk groups such as those with congenital diseases pregnant woman Organizations should consider implementing Work From Home measures as much as possible.
for the workplace Must strictly follow the COVID Free Setting measures. by providing sufficient alcohol gel for service in various areas such as entrance-exit in front of the elevator, dining room, bathroom, there is a determination and inspection of cleaning in common areas, offices, equipment, appliances every round of operation. There are various types of waste receptacles in good condition, and collection points are set.
in order to wait for proper disposal There are measures to control the number of workers to avoid congestion. By reducing group gatherings between people, such as alternating work attendance, breaks, or meal times If the space is limited, the tables can not be arranged to have a distance of up to 1 meter. Make a partition inside the building to be ventilated before and following use. for at least 2 hours, including cleaning the ventilation system regularly. for good hygiene.
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