: Generation Wars 5th edition, “the event of the year on Health and Well-being::

The conclusions of the study “Intergenerational Health and Well-being”. This study – carried out with the European University– Offers a diagnosis of the situation regarding the physical, psychological, social and occupational health of each generation and identifies which programs to implement from companies to promote it.

Generation Wars will take place on Wednesday April 27at 9:30 a.m. at Caixabank, “All in one” space (Columbus Square, Madrid)

With the participation of experts in generational diversity and more than a hundred Human Resources managers and professionals.

Study Objectives

This research addresses the health of the 5 generations in the company from a holistic perspective, since the self-perception of their health has been analyzed from different perspectives: that of the employees of the different generations, human resources professionals and occupational health of participating companies and members of a committee of experts of recognized prestige.

Sign up and get more information regarding the panel of participants and the agenda of the event here



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