What lies behind the dolls hanged during the tractor hit | Request for information: “It is not an intervention, it is a threat”

In the midst of the tractors and the photos that the leaders of Together for Change took with the ruralists on top of 4×4 trucks, in Plaza de Mayo on Saturday also An “intervention” charged with violence took place that consisted of hanging from the bars of the Mayo pyramid, where the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo historically made their rounds, different black dolls with a rope around their necks, simulating hangings. The body-shaped bags had the faces of various social leaders, government officials -among whom was the president Alberto Fernandez and the vice president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner— left-wing politicians and also referents of Human Rights organizations.

Tal how did he count Page 12near the dolls people said that it was the “national wall”, and invited to “stick pineapples to the one you hate the most”. Still masterminds unknown and neither to those who mounted it, that’s why the legislator and recovered granddaughter, Victoria Montenegro, Together with other Buenos Aires legislators, this Monday he will request a report from the GCBA demanding data on the costs that “the tractor hit” had for the people of Buenos Aires and reclaiming the material from the security cameras in the area to be able to identify the aggressors.

“The purpose of the report request is know what resources the City used to accompany this march and also for have the images that the cameras took and to be able to see who carried out this, which is not an intervention, but a threat,” said Montenegro in dialogue with Page 12. The legislator indicated that “we have a real concern regarding the increase in hate speech that turns into action and what we saw on Saturday is a first step of that. What is the second?” He asked himself. Then he added that “the political responsibility of those who accompany this is serious. There was the Head of Government of the City, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, legitimizing the ‘protest’ where they hung bags with the faces of leaders. What was the objective of the tractor hit? The firing squad? Those issues are decades behind.”

From the GCBA They explained to this newspaper that “we repudiate any expression linked to hatred and violence, but with respect to the cameras, there has been no complaint filed so far. If this were the case and the intervening prosecutor requested it, of course he would have access to the images “.

Saturday, however, was not the first time that something of this gravity has happened in an opposition march. On February 28, 2021, when the group mobilized in Plaza de Mayo Young Republicanswho respond to the president of the Pro, Patricia Bullrichmortuary bags with the name of the president of the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo were hung from the bars of the Casa Rosada, Carlotto’s Stele, of “the children of the Cámpora” and of other figures. They also claimed the vandalization of the Rodolfo Walsh subway station last March 24. Montenegro indicated that “before it was the mortuary bags, now they hang them, what is the next one? A big bonfire? In these manifestations of PvC there is always the fantasy of death and it is dangerous“. Along these lines, he added that “in all these events there is institutional responsibility. What the Young Republicans did at the Walsh station apparently they did at dawn, who opened the subway for them?

The Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation, Horacio Pietragalla Cortihighlighted in dialogue with Page 12 that “it is not the first time they have done it. These events go hand in hand with the discourses that the hegemonic media have once morest the Mothers and the Organisms. Some figures with political responsibility are extremely denialists and embolden a part of society. That is what is dangerous and we have to regulate it”. Pietragalla Corti added that “I do not believe in sanctioning a person who starts shouting ‘for the military to come back’ in the street, but I do Those who have some type of institutional responsibility in the Judicial, Legislative or Executive Branch and claim crimes once morest humanity must be punished. or relativizes them. You have to generate a project and think regarding a sanction.”

On this occasion trade unionists appeared hanged as Hugo Moyano, of Truckers; governors like that of Santa Cruz, Alicia Kirchner and that of Formosa, Gildo Insfran; stewards like Mayra Mendoza; ministers such as the Chancellor, santiago cafieroSecurity, Hannibal Fernandez and that of Women Genders and Diversity, Elizabeth Gomez Alcorta together with the head of the PAMI, Luana Volnovich and the Inadi, Victoria Donda; social leaders like Aemilius Persian of Avoid Movement; Daniel Menendez of Barrios de Pie and Juan Grabois of the UTEP; deputies like Nicholas del Cano of the FIT, together with the leader Néstor Pitrolay Maximo Kirchner. Also senators like Mariano Recalde. Besides, she was once more Carlotto’s Stele y Hebe de Bonafini of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo.

Stella’s granddaughter Barbara Carlottopublished that “the bag with my grandmother’s face never fails in this type of mobilization. This time simulating an execution, a hanging in a square”. The deputy of the Fit, Myriam Bregman He also added his repudiation and said that “yesterday in Plaza de Mayo they put, among others, these macabre dolls of del Caño and Pitrola. What to tell them… They distribute the National Constitution but they cannot hide that they are quite fachos“. Senator Juliana Di Tullio He added that “the field that most of us Argentines know has nothing to do with this despicable, violent and anti-democratic attitude. Is this the countryside or is it Macrismo?”.

Juan Graboissaid to Page 12 that “everything they do to me: spy on me, defame me, slander me, simulatedly execute me in Plaza de Mayo, is not 0.0001 percent of what our poor people suffer due to the privations that we the leadership must guarantee; we have no right to usurp the victim character for three nonsense. That does not justify those who do it or those who silence it. Whoever does it breaks the rules of democracy and should be repudiated.” To conclude, Montenegro stressed that “the discussion is who is going to carry out the destiny of Argentina, if it is going to be the violence of the right that generates more deaths and poor slaves or not. What they did is very serious, it is wrong and we have to put a stop to it. Politicians have different responsibilities, but nobody has to take it on. Political violence must not take place in Argentina“.



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