fruits that could cause deadly diseases

Any fruit has the potential to cause an allergic reaction that, if not treated in time, might put people’s health at risk. Nevertheless, the immune system of most people is able to tolerate all foods without any problem.

Fruits, although they contribute to the nutritional balance due to their high content of fiber, vitamins and minerals, they have components that can trigger allergies in people sensitive to these elements and although some of these are not dangerous, the body does react adversely.

According to the portal Healthspecializing in nutrition, the foods that most Common triggers for these reactions are shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, and some fruits.. The adverse reaction to the latter is due to the fact that the immune system responds to certain pproteins, such as: the Lipid Transporters o LTPaccording to its acronym in English.

Such is the case of the peach, the kiwi, the banana and the apple, which according to experts are the fruits that most cause allergies. The LTPs “They are essential proteins for the survival of plants., since they have defensive functions, and are found in most plants, in leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and pollen”, explained the Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital in Spain.

However, the portal adds that, in people allergic to peaches, cross allergies tend to occur (allergies to other fruits such as plums or apricots). Thus, it is recommended that people who suffer from these reactions avoid the consumption of said fruit, since “in extreme cases, ingestion can cause complications as serious as anaphylactic shock, which can even be fatal,” he reviews.

allergy symptoms

The diagnosis of allergies is done through a skin test with the aim of reproducing in the skin the reaction that we present in other parts of the organism.

In most cases, adverse reactions to the consumption of fruits are manifested through itching in different areas of the body, including the mouth and throat; swelling of the tongue and lips, appearance of red spots or hives on the skin and gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhoea, gas, pain or nausea and vomiting.

There is also a type of allergy called anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening. In this case there are some symptoms such as: severe skin reactions, including hives and itching, low blood pressure (hypotension), constriction of the airways by inflammation of the tongue and throat, which can cause difficulty breathing; increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea, dizziness or fainting and cardiorespiratory arrest in very severe cases.

how it is treated

According to experts, the quickest and easiest way to treat a food allergy is to eliminate the food and products that contain it from your diet. Nevertheless, in more complex cases such as anaphylaxis, it is necessary to see a specialist to start treatment.

In this way, it will be possible to the corresponding exams and indicate the appropriate recommendations for each case, according to the results. It is important to know that all treatments improve and control symptoms but do not cure the allergy.



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