Saint-Meen-le-Grand. Lyme disease documentary

Tuesday, April 26, screening at the cinema Le Celtic d’Axel in the land of imaginary patients to raise awareness regarding Lyme disease. A 52 minute documentary. “After four years of medical wandering, a diagnosis is finally made: our son Axel has Lyme disease. Between silent epidemic and imaginary pathology, in the maze of Lyme weaves a story, that of our child and our quest for a future. »

The documentary was directed by Dorothée Lorang and David Beautru, Axel’s parents. They will be present to answer questions from the spectators. They will talk regarding the different treatments tried, their time in Germany to find solutions.

This documentary will help inform the public regarding this disease that can be caught by a tick while hiking. Between 0 and 20% of ticks carry genes for Lyme disease. The documentary explains the problem of the disease and is intended to be an optimistic documentary.

This will be the only screening in a cinema in the region. The Zoom Bretagne association made it possible to program this film at the Le Celtic cinema. This association aims to promote Breton achievements.

Tuesday 26 March, at 8.30 p.m., at the Le Celtic cinema. Full price: €5.



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