After Wall Street closed Tuesday, the price of “Netflix” shares fell by more than 24%, following the giant American streaming platform lost 200,000 subscribers around the world in the first quarter of the year compared to the end of 2021. And “Netflix” had It expected to gain an additional 2.5 million subscribers, and analysts expected more, but instead lost some of them, bringing total subscriptions down to 221.64 million.
In a precedent more than ten years ago, “Netflix” lost 200,000 subscribers around the world in the first quarter of the year compared to the end of 2021, and thus the price of its shares fell by more than 24% in electronic exchanges following Wall Street closed Tuesday.
The giant American platform for streaming broadcasts indicated that this decline is mainly related to the difficulty of obtaining new subscribers in all regions of the world, in addition to the suspension of the service in Russia.
“The Covid pandemic has given a blurry picture by amplifying our growth in 2020 leading us to believe that most of our slowing growth in 2021 was due to the advance of Covid,” the platform explained in its earnings statement.