The OAS is committed to isolating Russia and suspends it as a permanent observer for the war in Ukraine | International

The decision of the OAS Permanent Council comes following the UN countries suspended Russia’s participation in the Human Rights Council on April 7, an almost unprecedented measure and with which the United States and its allies seek to continue isolating Moscow in response to its invasion of Ukraine.

The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) approved this Thursday to suspend Russia as permanent observer.

The foregoing, in method of punishment for the invasion of Ukraine and in a bid to further isolate Moscow internationally.

Gathered in an extraordinary meeting, which had a hybrid format, the Permanent Council of the organization gave the green light to a resolution once morest Russia with 25 votes in favor, 0 once morest, 8 abstentions and one absence.

The abstentions were Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. The absence was from Nicaragua.

The suspension is effective immediately and will last until “The Russian government ceases its hostilities”, points to the text of the resolution.

In addition, it justifies the measure by the increasing number of dead and displaced, and the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

The OAS and the permanence of Russia

In this sense, the Permanent Council admitted to being “shocked” by the information from the “terrible atrocities” committed by Russia.

Another of the factors that have weighed on the suspension is what is referred to in the resolution as “indifference” on the part of Russia to the “exhortations” of the OAS to withdraw its forces from Ukraine.

The text was submitted by Guatemala and Antigua and Barbuda, with the support of Canada, Colombia, United States, Granada and Uruguay.

The Foreign Minister of Guatemala, Mario Búcaro, was present at this Thursday’s session, and in his speech he pointed out that the OAS “it has an important role to play in promoting international peace and stability.”

“Since the beginning of the Russian aggression once morest Ukraine and its ongoing war, Guatemala stated that it was impossible to remain a spectator in this crisis,” Búcaro said.

The foreign minister emphasized that the region of the Americas has been affected by “the economic repercussions” conflict and its impact on food security.

The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, He reacted immediately in a statement, where he celebrated the suspension.

The US authority considered that the members of the OAS have demonstrated with this decision that they do not remain “on the sidelines”.

This, before “Russian government violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses.”

“Our hemisphere stands together with Ukraine,” he stressed.

Permanent observer to the OAS

In contrast, Mexico justified its abstention by not considering “suitable” suspend Russia’s permanent observer status and wondered if the measure served to find a solution to the conflict in Ukraine or promote dialogue between the parties.

The representative of Mexico to the OAS, Light Elena Baths, However, he stressed in his speech that his country condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine for violating international law and the UN Charter.

Similarly, the representative of Argentina, Carlos Alberto Raymond He said that the position of his country is to uphold the principles of peace, the question of human rights and humanitarian affairs, in addition to territorial integrity.

those principles “They must be sustained with an absolutely universal scope for all cases in which they are affected”, advirtio Raymond.

He also added that, otherwise, they would become a position in the current process of reconfiguring the international order.

“And that is not the responsibility of this organization, it is the sovereign responsibility of the states,” warning.

During the meeting, a representative from Ukraine, which is a permanent observer to the OAS, also spoke. to thank the resolution approved this Thursday.

With Russia, the OAS has 72 permanent observers, that they can attend all the public meetings of their General Assembly and the Permanent Council, among others.

In return, these countries cooperate with the organization in training programs, experts and equipment; and make financial contributions.



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