Taymour Jumblatt: We are waging a battle to defend Lebanon’s identity

The head of the “Democratic Gathering” MP Taymour Jumblatt concluded his tour in the Iqlim al-Kharroub region, with a visit to Jamil Jamil Bayram in the town of Wardania, where the general situation was presented and the follow-up of communication was emphasized.

Jumblatt and the accompanying delegation also visited MP Muhammad Al-Hajjar in Shehim, and Jumblatt said at the beginning of the meeting: “With you, Dr. Muhammad, we carried together the legacy of Rafik Hariri and we consolidated the solid relationship between the region and Mukhtara. The province loyal to the blood of the martyrs, led by Kamal Jumblatt and Rafik Hariri.

He added: “The region with which we walked with Saad Hariri in the most difficult circumstances. And you, Dr. Muhammad, had the primary role in all this stage and will remain. And together, we will be in the battle of defending Lebanon’s identity and sovereignty, in the battle to restore the state, and the battle to develop the Kharoub region and the rights of its people. We will preserve the legacy, be keen on history, and look forward together to the future with all the comrades in the region and with the Future Movement, which has done a lot and will continue to do so. Greetings from your home to the soul of Rafik Hariri, to the soul of Kamal Jumblatt, and salutations to Saad Hariri and Walid Jumblatt, and together we will continue facing the axes of Lebanon’s collapse and the control of Hezbollah.”

In addition, Hajjar indicated that he was “the first to represent the Future Movement in Parliament in the alliance between Progressive Socialist Party Chairman Walid Jumblatt and Martyr President Rafic Hariri,” stressing that “the relationship between Shehim and Mukhtara is not new, as it has been going on since the days of the late MP Essam Hajjar.” We all joined hands to give the region a part of its rights, and we all meet on the principles of the Arab, democratic, free and independent Lebanon.

Jumblatt and the accompanying delegation, which included members of the “Partnership and Will” bloc, were MP Bilal Abdullah, MP George Adwan and the resigned MP Marwan Hamadeh, in addition to former MP Alaeddin Tru, Undersecretary of the Interior of the “Progressive Socialist Party” in al-Kharoub province, Bilal Qassem, official of the “Lebanese Forces”. In the Chouf, Joseph Tabet, Director General of the Ministry of the Displaced, Ahmed Mahmoud and other personalities visited the Saint Charbel Monastery in Jiyeh.

Jumblatt said, “We are on a visit of friendship, partnership and cooperation, and we seek blessings in this difficult stage, in order to preserve what remains of Lebanon’s institutions, sovereignty, coexistence, and most importantly, reconciliation Lebanon.”

In turn, Adwan pointed out that “this visit is to emphasize once once more the preservation of entity and identity, for Lebanon is a homeland, a message to all its people, and Lebanon without pluralism and reconciliation will not be Lebanon. The list of partnership and will confirms that reconciliation remains.”

Jumblatt also held a meeting with the mayors of Iqlim al-Kharroub, in the “Al-Qanater” hall in the town of Mazboud, where he said: “We want to devote three points with the district and the people of the district: First, that the honesty of the relationship with Iqlim al-Kharoub that we have carried with conviction throughout history is a relationship A patriotism is stronger than all attempts to dismantle, besiege, isolate and change identity. Secondly, our message with the region is a message of development, a message of action to serve the people and for development, and there are many issues that we will continue to work for, from the waste crisis, to the electricity crisis that the Atma Party is depriving people of, to the main alternative energy project in this field, to the hospitalization file, and we will complete In the great efforts made by Dr. Bilal Abdullah in Siblin Hospital, as in other files. The third thing is that Lebanon remains the homeland of diversity, pluralism and coexistence, and the region is an ideal image of this country, and this is what we will face for.”

The mayor of Mazraat al-Dahr, Haseeb Eid, said on behalf of the Union of Municipalities of the Southern Province of al-Kharoub, “The responsibility is great for the people of the mountain, the beating heart of Lebanon. We have always been the mother of the boy, the people of partnership and will, the sons of reconciliation and the protectors of national unity. And the will because we are the people of the region, which is a school of patriotism, diversity, moderation, science and openness.”

For its part, the Union of Municipalities of the Northern Iqlim al-Kharoub denounced the mayor of Siblin, Muhammad Younis, Marhaba Jumblatt, and the members of the list in the al-Kharoub Region, “who has always been, is, and will remain a patriotic and loyal Arab: “The head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt and the Democratic Gathering, stood by the region and its municipalities at all stations.” . Jumblatt called for help “releasing municipal dues and solving the water and electricity crisis in the region.”

The words of the candidates Qardahi, Hamada, Abdullah, Saad Eddin al-Khatib and Habouba Aoun focused on “the necessity of participating in the elections and choosing with reason, because the battle is to restore the Lebanon we know, and so that the compass is not lost.”

Jumblatt and the accompanying delegation, “the fighter in the ranks of the Progressive Socialist Party,” Samir Saad, also returned to his home in Barja.

Tru pointed out that “Samir Saad is one of the first fighters in the Progressive Socialist Party with many comrades, and he accompanied Walid Bey’s path throughout the last period.” He was devastated.”

Samir Saad’s son, Wael Saad, welcomed Jumblatt and the delegation and said: “We are on the road with you, Timur Bey, and we are by your side, and the Jumblatt family is in our blood as long as we live.”



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