Konami, more specifically Konami Holdings Corporation, has decided to change its name for its 50th anniversary. In fact, this is a very minor change, which, moreover, still needs to be approved by the shareholders following it has already been approved by the board of directors. The new name will be Konami Group Corporation, effective July 1, 2022.
As explained in the official press release, Konami has expanded significantly since its founding and now operates in four entertainment segments: Digital Entertainment, Entertainment, Games & Systems, and Sports. Thus, the use of the word “group” seems more appropriate than the use of the word “holdings”.
Of course, this does not solve the disagreements that have arisen in recent years with a certain part of gamers who do not forgive the freezing of series like Metal Gear and Castlevania, the almost complete rejection of the traditional market and problematic launches, like eFootball 2022.