Chen Jiahong’s column: Lin Jialong is not saying that he is “choosing gambling” — report/comment

Lin Jialong said: “As far as the six capitals are concerned, (I) are only preparing for Taipei City.” Originally, it is everyone’s right to express their will to run for election; however, Lin Jialong is not an ordinary party member. Leading an important faction of the DPP; he is also a member of the DPP’s highest nominating body election meeting, and can speak to Tsai Ing-wen at any time. Lin Jialong said to the outside world that he would only choose Taipei City and not consider other things; this is not a statement, but a “gamble”; this action is not only a “show of strength”, but also a warning to all factions, including Tsai Ing-wen: If not Nominate me, then everyone will “read the songbook on a donkey and wait and see”.

The factional co-governance of the DPP is the principle of strength, but many people forget that there is a party chairman on top of the DPP factions. If the party chairman is also the president, the president is still very satisfied and popular. There is a lot of excitement, and no one can ignore the role of the president and party chairman. In the constitutional system, the nomination of Ge Kui is the exclusive power of the president, and in operational practice, the nomination of candidates for the chief executive of the six capitals (especially Taipei City) is also the power reserved by the party chairman. Lin Jialong made such a positive statement before Tsai Ing-wen made a decision, in fact, he wanted to “shake” Tsai Ing-wen’s right to call.

If Lin Jialong is indeed the DPP’s unique and highly anticipated candidate for mayor of the capital at this moment, this outstanding expression may be understandable. The problem is that at this moment there are many people in the DPP who are interested in the election of the mayor of the capital; the British family favors Chen Shizhong, and the new trend in Chen Shizhong and abroad can also cast out young candidates such as Wu Siyao and Wu Yinong at any time. Even Lin Jialong belongs to the Taiwanese think tank. . Zheng Lijun, who has made outstanding political achievements in the Minister of Culture, is always ready to go out. If Chen Shizhong is not available, and Tsai Ing-wen intends for candidates to change from generation to generation, Lin is not an inevitable candidate.

In terms of objective conditions, this is the closest election to the mayor of Taipei by the DPP in the past 20 years. It must be Tsai Ing-wen’s primary consideration to introduce a candidate who can gain popularity and unite all factions of the DPP. However, Lin Jialong’s official parliament first opened fire with the British Department on the nomination of Huang Weizhe and Xindian City Councillors, and then secretly pushed the former traffic director Wang Yichuan and the current legislator He Xinchun, stuck with the new trend Cai Qichang’s candidacy for mayor of Taichung, in just three months How can he convince Tsai Ing-wen that he is a candidate who can unite the factions and supporters in the party?

And what does the so-called “don’t consider Taichung, only prepare for Taipei” mean? Is it too sad that the citizens of the front desk treat a “serious mayor” in this way? Still can’t choose? Or, with his qualifications and preparation, he should have pursued the more important position of mayor of the capital? And abandon Taichung to Taipei, what will those Taichung citizens who voted for him think? Are the Taipei citizens he is regarding to fight for willing to pay? Regarding these issues, Lin Jialong had neither discussion nor cutscenes, and he obviously ignored the feelings of the Green Camp supporters.

From the past “non-Party” era to Taiwan’s three political party rotations, DPP supporters have always encouraged green camp politicians to expand their territories and attack authoritarianism everywhere, and they have always given back those who “sacrificed for the party” in public office. Now, Lin Jialong wants to move from Taichung to Taipei. He does not meet the above conditions, nor is he the only candidate for “let me go”. How can he appeal to his supporters?

Lin Jialong graduated from the Institute of Political Science of National Taiwan University more than 30 years ago. He is the “big brother” of all the students of the wild lily generation that can be seen today. He has a beautiful degree in political science from Yale University, and his career in politics is not smooth. After “hardening a sword for 10 years” in Taichung, he was finally elected mayor of Taichung, but he lost to Lu Xiuyan with 200,000 votes four years later. The 58-year-old Lin Jialong is standing at a turning point in his life. Faced with the question of how to get to the next level, his heart is a little chaotic, and he has forgotten the truth of politics.

※The author is the chief editor of “Report”



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