The Justo y Bueno chain of stores was sold in Colombia

In January of this year, Justo & Bueno, the store chain that distributes low-cost products, was admitted by the Superintendence of Companies to the reorganization process, but now in a broader way, since it will enter said process under Law 1116 o Insolvency Law, and not temporarily, as it was until now through the decree that the national government had issued during the pandemic emergency.

According to SuperSociedades, the objective of the reorganization process was to preserve viable companies, normalize their commercial credit relations and carry out operational restructuring, administrative, of assets or liabilities.

However, this Thursday SEMANA confirmed that the company was sold to the Chinese conglomerate Joining Futures Capital International Limited, which stood out as the rescue of the chain of stores.

“For us it is a source of great joy to announce more details of the Fund that will guarantee the definitive rescue of Justo & Bueno. It is the company JFC – Joining Futures Capital International Limited, which since 1990 has made investments around the world in companies with a social focus within the segments of technology, agriculture, mass consumption, infrastructure and land development,” the former owners explained in a statement. .

And he emphasized that despite the fact that Mercadería has a new owner, it will continue to operate as it has done so far, maintaining the management team that has been at the forefront since the beginning of operations.

We know that the most important thing at this time is the payment of wages and pending commitments. On this particular we inform you that all credits will be assumed by JFCfrom the admission of the company in the business reorganization on January 18 to April 30 of the current year, as well as the other future commitments”, they clarified.

And they stated that the payments are expected to be completed in full before May 10, 2022.

Employees of Justo y Bueno also protested in Cúcuta for lack of payments

“About us? Fair and Good. What we want? get paid.” This is how the streets of Cúcuta sound from the workers of the supermarket company who state that the company owes them three months of salary.

More than 50 employees of the company went out on the morning of this Thursday, April 21, to the streets of Cúcuta demanding that their rights not be violated. It is not the first time that the workers have expressed this problem, since last Monday a group of them were also protesting the same situation.

On this new opportunity, the employees went to the facilities of the Ombudsman’s Office in Cúcuta, where With banners they expressed their disagreement with Justo & Bueno Merchandise “my salary is the only sustenance for my family, we demand our payment”, reads a poster.

This inconvenience not only occurs in the capital of North Santander, but has also been carrying out different mobilizations in several main cities of the country such as: Bucaramanga, Cartagena, Barranquilla, among others.



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