Johnny Depp confesses to having “written in blood” on the walls of his home after losing part of his finger | TV and Show

Depp recounted how he lived through the terrible moment in which he lost part of his middle finger. While the actor points to an assault on Heard’s part, the interpreter points out that her ex-husband injured himself.

This Thursday, the actors Johnny Depp and Amber Heard served 7 days in court following The ex-partner will sue each other for defamation.

During the court process, both accuse each other of abuse during the relationship, so while Heard proves that he was a victim of domestic abuse, Depp seeks to clear his name and prove that the real aggressor is his ex-wife.

That is why during the different days a moment has been touched in their relationship: the moment in which the actor lost part of his finger in Australiaspecifically when Depp was recording Pirates of the Caribbean in 2015.

The versions around the accident have been changing on multiple occasions. Among them, he once made sure that Depp crushed his finger with a door, that he had an accident with a knife or, according to Heard, that the actor cut himself following hitting himself with a mobile phone in a fit of rage.

Similarly, Depp currently points out that it happened following Heard will throw a series of glass bottles at you.

Depp’s reaction following the cut

However, there is one fact that both Heard and Depp agree on: following the injury, Depp entered a state of lack of control. “Everything was getting too crazy,” Depp said, recalling that moment.

According to Depp’s account in previous sessions, the actor had “two or three shots of vodka”, pointing out that it was “the first time he had tried alcohol in a long time”.

It was then that Heard saw him and criticized him for drinking once more.

“She walked towards me, grabbed the bottle of vodka and then backed up and threw it at me,” he said. “It just went right past my head and crashed behind me.”he mentioned.

After that, according to Depp’s account, he took another bottle of vodka, even larger, and poured himself another drink while his then-partner “insulted me non-stop.”

“Then he grabbed that bottle and threw it at me”Depp narrated. According to his version, the actor had one of his hands resting on the edge of the bar, so his three middle fingers protruded.

It was then that, when throwing the bottle, it “broke everywhere”, severing part of Depp’s finger.

“At first I didn’t feel any pain”he recalled, noting that he then felt “warmth and then something slipping through his hand.”

“Then I looked and I might directly notice how my bones were sticking out,” he described.

“I don’t know what a nervous breakdown feels like, but that’s probably as close as I’ve ever come to one,” he said. “nothing made sense and I knew in my mind and in my heart that this was not life,” he explained.

It was then that the actor began, in the midst of his crisis, to “write with my own blood on the walls”.

between paint and blood

After his story, Heard’s defense attorney, Ben Rottenborn, began to ask new questions regarding what happened following the accident, pointing to a series of damages that occurred in the house in Australia.

“Did you dip your finger in paint in the house following you got hurt?” the lawyer asked, to which the actor admitted the fact.

“And, did you use that finger to write on different objects in the house?” Rottenborn questioned once more.

“Yes. That was following writing on the walls. the blood had driedSo I stuck my hand in a paint can to leave my verbal messages,” Depp confessed.

It was in this that Heard’s defense revealed a series of mirrors and lamps with different texts.

They were little reminders of our pastwhich essentially showed the lies that she had told me and lies that I had caught her in,” Depp explained.

After leaving his “reminders,” Depp said he hid in a bathroom and texted his doctor to come over.

According to Rottenborn, there was “quite a bit of damage to the house throughout the incident.” In the scene he described, he claimed that they met messages written in blood and paint on all the walls and furniture of the home.

He also pointed out that “a cup of coffee nailed” was seen on the television, a broken window and assured that Depp drew “a penis” in a painting.

On this last detail, Depp stated that the drawing it might have been the work of his ex-wifesince doing that kind of act was not the “most important thing” to do in his head.

You can watch the trial live here:



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