Florida revokes Walt Disney special status against gay ban

news agency BBC reported that members of the US Congress of Florida Vote to revoke Walt Disney’s special status as a mandateautonomyin a special district where their amusement park is located It was seen as a move in response to Disney’s opposition to a new law in states that would ban teachers from teaching sexual orientation to children.

The law is officially known as “Parental Rights in Education Law”, but is widely referred to as The Don’t Say Gay Law prohibits teaching sexual orientation or gender identity to kindergarten through third graders, and calls for schools to avoid teaching LGBTQ issues to younger children. appropriate It also gives parents the power to sue the school directly. If you believe that a teacher is breaking this law

The law was heavily opposed by students, LGBT+ activists. and representatives from the Democratic PartyWalt DisneyAt first, he tried to keep his expression unmoving, even under heavy pressure from the workers. until they had to come out and show their resistance and pledged that They have pushed for the repeal of the law and will fight similar laws across the United States.

Walt Disney’s move led Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to condemn Disney has crossed the line. And on Thursday, April 21, 2022, members of the lower house of stateFloridaIt passed a law to revoke its own administrative status in the exclusive territory where Walt Disney’s theme parks were located, at the request of the Republican Party.

The area, dubbed the “Reedy Creek Development Area,” was created under an agreement between the State of Florida and Walt Disney in 1967. The special status gave Disney jurisdiction as a local governing body. can charge tax control utilities and has its own supervisory committee and fire department meaning they can build an airport Or even a nuclear power plant in this area if you want.

However, the Florida State Council resolution As a result, this special district will be dissolved on June 1, 2023, and Disney has not commented on it.



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