Sophie Wilmès retires from office: “It’s terrible news”, reacts the Prime Minister

Sophie Wilmès, current Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced this morning that she was temporarily stepping down from her duties in the government. A decision motivated by family problems, and in consultation with the government and Prime Minister Alexander De Croo. He reacted briefly to the announcement. “terrible news“, he wrote on Twitter. “A lot of courage and strength to Sophie, Christopher and their children.”

Questioned by us, the Prime Minister reiterated these words of comfort. “This is terrible news for Madame Wilmès, her husband Christopher and their children. I think I speak on behalf of many Belgians in wishing him a lot of courage and hope in these difficult times. In these moments, the time spent together is the most important. She has decided to devote as much of her time as possible to her children and her husband, and I think that is the best choice.”

As for the situation, it is very particular, according to Alexander De Croo. “It’s difficult, it’s unheard of in our country and we hope it never happens. I think it’s a human choice, and we have organized ourselves within the government to redistribute responsibilities.

The prime minister is not setting a return date for his foreign minister. “It’s not up to us to decide that,” he said. “We are all with her, and her loved ones. It is the right choice, to go through this heavy ordeal together. We wish her a lot of courage”, concludes Alexander De Croo at our microphone.

Who will take over the duties of Sophie Wilmès?

In addition, Alexander De Croo will soon have to offer temporary replacements to the King. According to the press release published this morning by Sophie Wilmès, the Minister of the Middle Classes and the Independents, David Clarinval (MR), as well as the Secretary of State for Digital Mathieu Michel (MR) will take up the matters of the Minister of Foreign Affairs during his absence. David Clarinval will occupy the functions of Deputy Prime Minister as well as Minister of Foreign Trade, Mathieu Michel will take care of federal cultural institutions. As for the functions related to Foreign and European Affairs, they will be taken over by Alexander De Croo.

A rain of reactions from the political world

Other political figures have also shown their sympathy for Sophie Wilmès:



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