New distribution of powers in the government, Sophie Wilmès going on leave for family reasons

Sophie Wilmès communicated this information to her entire team, which she had assembled this Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m., in her ministerial office. Absent Wednesday from the restricted council of ministers, she had canceled all of her trips for the next few days.

“The disease has suddenly entered our lives and, in particular, that of my husband, Christopher, who must begin, like far too many men, women and even children, his fight once morest aggressive cancer of the brain”, has explained the Deputy Prime Minister in a message posted on her Twitter account.

A “test” which, added Sophie Wilmès, is not without consequences for her family and therefore on her role within the Belgian government. “Being a minister requires rigor, availability and a total commitment that would not allow me to provide the help and comfort that Christopher and our children will need during this difficult period”continued the Deputy Prime Minister.

To be present with her husband and children, Sophie Wilmès made the decision, “in perfect consultation with the Prime Minister” and his party to immediately take leave of absence from his current ministerial duties, without compensation. “This gives us the ability to fully consider our situation by the end of the summer”added Sophie Wilmès.

In her press release, the Deputy Prime Minister already hinted at the form that the reorganization would take “provisional” skills in government. “I thank in advance the Premier and my colleagues, David Clarinval and Mathieu Michel, who will take up these matters in my absence”added the Minister, before concluding, “Take care of yourself”.

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