Karami: Geagea killed us at the Barbara checkpoint, and the thief looted us and stole our deposits – Al-Binaa Newspaper

The head of the “Dignity Movement” MP Faisal Karami considered that “the thief is like Samir Geagea, Samir Geagea killed us at the Barbara checkpoint, and the thief killed us by looting us and stealing our deposits from banks.”

Karami said during the Ramadan Suhoor in his honor in El Mina, “Today we are facing this stage. There is a lot of talk regarding options. The people of power today are allied in different forms, with different regulations, and “All of them mean all of them attack us.” All their corruption, theft and neglect put it in us and we have been out of power for 30 years and they are the ones in power and they are the ones who have the money and they are the ones who brought the country to what we are living in today, they are the ones who have impoverished and starved people.”

He added, “Today, we are facing clear, explicit and unambiguous choices. These choices are for you to make decisions regarding. Is there anything we can do?” Certainly yes, but I always say, all people hear them have mercy on the old days, I will tell you two examples of these days and you decided:

During the days of the martyr Rashid Karami, no project was established in Lebanon except that Tripoli had its share of a similar project to him.

President Omar Karami, in his first government, dissolved militias and unified the army. As for his second government, it is a small example to see how the son of the country is the only one who cares regarding you and is jealous of you. President Omar Karami, in 5 months in his government, the electricity has not been cut off from Tripoli not for a minute.”

He continued, “From here, we say, we do not need to borrow references and leaders from outside the city, and you saw with your own eyes when we received the Ministry of Sports what we offered during 6 months to the city. It is not true that we cannot do anything and it is not true that hope is cut off from Lebanon.”

And he added, “For me, the thief and the criminal are in the same box, because the first killed you from hunger and disease… The thief is like Samir Geagea, Samir Geagea killed us at the Barbara checkpoint, and the thief killed us by looting us and stealing our deposits from banks. We can no longer perform dialysis. And the patient in need of cancer medicine and is unable to secure it for his father or mother because he does not have the price, which has become in dollars, and the dollar has become at 25 thousand pounds, and “goodness is for the sake of the future.” This is the same as Samir Geagea, the criminal. This is coming today with the proposition that he is the savior of the Lebanese Republic, a militia that has taken control of the state’s facilities and ports. A person with a militia can never think of the logic of the state.”

He pointed out that “this parliament that will be elected is very important because it will establish a new government that will make an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which has harsh conditions for Lebanon, the main ones being that there be reform, and reform requires reformed people (and a thief does not work on reform), and one of these reforms is Is Capital Control, I mean we have to put money back, what guarantees us that they themselves will not go back to stealing and smuggling our money like before? Whoever sells his vote for $100 is betting on a very big and dangerous bet.”

He said, “Just as this elected parliament will elect a president, this president must establish a future stage, and we may be going to a new founding conference (of course we are once morest the founding conference and with the implementation of the Taif Agreement). Then the most important thing, where is the election supervision committee? “.

He added, “We always repeat the usual slogan, your voice, Faisal, “What you put in the box, you will receive at your home.” I used this slogan in the past elections, and people did not understand my words. When the economic crisis and economic collapse entered us, and the pain became in every house, in every street and region, and all of Lebanon became like Tripoli with deprivation, from Tripoli to the south, there is no “light” of public lighting on the road. Therefore, choose your conscience.”



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