“If the inspection had been completed, I would not have been charged.” Hwang Un-ha, a former police officer who revealed his intentions

“If the investigation and prosecution had been separated, I would never have been charged,” said Hwang Un-ha, a member of the Democratic Party of Korea, who is being tried for involvement in the Blue House’s alleged interference in the Ulsan mayoral election.

Hwang Un-ha “Prosecutors indicted by writing a novel-like indictment”

In an interview with CBS Radio’s ‘Kim Hyun-jung’s News Show’ on the 18th, Rep. Hwang answered, “Some of the lawmakers who led the prosecution and waiver bill are pointed out that they are protecting themselves because they are the subjects of prosecution investigations or the accused.”

Rep. Hwang said, “The prosecution wrote a novel-like indictment and forcibly put it together, and I was indicted without ever conducting an investigation such that I do not know whether or not I will be acquitted later. It is a typical case of abuse of prosecutorial power that has created a crime.”

Rep. Hwang emphasized, “I am being subjected to an unfair trial because I became a target of the prosecution due to the combination of investigation and indictment, but it has nothing to do with the prosecution’s investigative authority,” he added.

“It’s like admitting that it’s a wrong bill.”

Attorney Lee Heon, vice president of the Korean Peninsula Human Rights and Unification Association (Hanbyun), said in a phone call with the New Daily on the same day, “It is a bill that gives an advantage to those on the side of the ruling party with an acquittal.” You are talking about yourself,” he pointed out.

Lawyer Lee said, “It is fundamentally wrong because it takes away the authority of the investigative agency that caught him.”

The lawyer pointed out, “Rep. Hwang has been prosecuted and is putting forward a thorough examination in the situation of the accused.” He criticized, “People are seeing the ignorant situation put forward by people who can’t make a profit. The people will not be able to understand it.” .

Rep. Hong Seok-jun, from People’s Strength, also evaluated Hwang’s remarks on the phone as “very inappropriate and incomprehensible.”

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Prosecutors indict Hwang Un-ha on charges of violating the Public Official Election Act

Rep. Hwang was handed over to trial on charges of targeting former Ulsan Mayor Kim Ki-hyeon (currently a member of the People’s Power), who was a competitor for the election of Ulsan Mayor Song Cheol-ho ahead of the local elections in June 2018. At that time, Rep. Hwang was the head of the Ulsan Police Agency.

Prosecutors found that Mayor Song met Rep. Hwang in September 2017 and asked for an investigation into former Mayor Kim, and at the time, Cheong Wa Dae secretary for civil affairs Baek Won-woo and anti-corruption secretary Park Hyeong-cheol received misleading information from former Ulsan Deputy Mayor Song Byung-ki, reprocessed it, and sent it down to the Ulsan Police Agency.

Prosecutors indicted 13 people, including Rep. Hwang, who was involved in this case in 2020, on charges of violating the Public Official Election Act, including Mayor Song, former Deputy Mayor Song, former secretary Baek, former secretary Park, and former senior presidential secretary for political affairs Han Byung-do (currently a member of the Democratic Party). Rep. Hwang is currently undergoing a first-instance trial.

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