suppliers forced to terminate contracts

Nina Droff (special correspondent in Limoges), edited by Solène Leroux
06:34, April 18, 2022modified to

07:03, April 18, 2022

Faced with rising gas prices, several suppliers are forced to terminate the contracts of some of their customers. An increasingly common phenomenon in recent months. The reason: they can no longer buy as much gas and therefore no longer have enough to supply all their customers.


The war in Ukraine pushes certain French gas suppliers to let go of some of their customers. This is a phenomenon that has become increasingly common in recent months in the face of skyrocketing gas prices. With rising prices, suppliers can no longer buy as much gas and therefore no longer have enough to supply all their customers.

In April, the companies Cdiscount and GreenYellow notified some of their customers that they might no longer honor their contracts, before finally changing their minds in the face of the dispute. The supplier Antargaz has taken the decision not to renew the contracts that have expired. According to the company, this concerns 500 customers for the months of March and April. “Customers whose contract expires this month have received a letter informing them of the non-renewal of their supply contract with Antargaz, and this, within 30 to 60 days before the end of their contract”, specifies the communication manager of Antargaz at Europe 1.

“My gas costs will quadruple”

Philippe Simon, manager of the Le Ponticaud restaurant in Limoges, is one of the Antargaz customers who received this letter in April. “I received a termination recommendation, to my surprise, even though I had no payment incident… I called consumer service who explained to me that they would not renew my contract”, he says a little annoyed. He had no choice but to find a new supplier for his establishment. On time where prices are skyrocketing, he knows he will pay more. “My gas costs will quadruple”, he sighs, “it’s a real stab in the back. With all the other increases, it’s going to be complicated”.

These terminations do not surprise François Carlier, the general delegate of the consumer defense association CLCV. “The price of gas on the wholesale market has increased four or five times in one year. With these disturbances, we can understand that they are ending certain contracts which are causing them to lose money,” he explains. -he. According to him, fixed price contracts are even doomed to disappear.



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