Every 16 o’clock | The key technology verification phase of my country’s space station has ended perfectly; bird flu appeared in Hokkaido, Japan, and hundreds of thousands of chickens were culled; the new round of EU sanctions against Russia will mainly target banks and energy_Zheng Bingwen_Pension_Capital

Original title: Every 16 o’clock | The key technology verification phase of my country’s space station has ended perfectly; bird flu appeared in Hokkaido, Japan, and hundreds of thousands of chickens were culled; the new round of EU sanctions once morest Russia will mainly target banks and energy sources

Every editor: Zhang Yangyun

1丨The key technology verification stage of my country’s space station has ended perfectly

Every AI Express, the construction of China’s space station is divided into two stages: key technology verification and construction. Six flight missions are planned for each of the two stages. The main task goal of the key technology verification stage is to break through and master a series of space station construction and operation related. key technology. The complete success of the Shenzhou 13 manned flight mission marks the perfect conclusion of the mission of the key technology verification phase of the space station. (The Paper)

2丨 Zheng Bingwen: Now is a favorable window period to vigorously develop pensions

Every AI Express, Zheng Bingwen, director of the World Social Security Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said at the 2022 Tsinghua PBCSF Global Financial Forum on April 17 that now is a favorable window period for vigorously developing pensions. Zheng Bingwen said that the second pillar is the supplementary pension insurance for enterprises, which is dominated by business owners. People who are not employed by business owners cannot enjoy this benefit. The vast majority of flexible workers and freelancers will not be able to join the second pillar. Therefore, the coverage of the third pillar is greater than that of the second pillar, which is an important reason for my country’s efforts to build the third pillar pension. Zheng Bingwen believes that economic growth requires three elements of land, capital and labor. Now labor is scarce, land is scarce, funds and capital are scarce, and long-term capital is even scarcer. Pensions are long-term capital, and the development of pensions also contributes to economic development. “Pension pensions can also help the capital market prosper. First, it can increase institutional investors with long-term funds; second, it can provide long-term equity capital.” Zheng Bingwen said. (Shanghai Stock Exchange)

3丨Hundreds of thousands of chickens killed by bird flu in Hokkaido, Japan

Every AI Express, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced on April 16 that two poultry farms in Hokkaido had an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza, and the local government decided to cull more than 500,000 chickens and hundreds of emus. (CCTV News)

4丨Von der Leyen: The new round of EU sanctions once morest Russia will mainly target banks and energy

Every AI Express, on April 17, local time, European Commission President von der Leyen revealed in an interview with German newspaper Bild that the EU’s proposed sixth round of sanctions once morest Russia will mainly target Russia’s largest commercial bank, the Russian Federation Savings. Banks, and will take incremental measures to cut off EU oil and gas imports from Russia. Von der Leyen said the main goal of EU sanctions was to continue to squeeze Russia’s oil and gas revenues. It is also understood that the latest EU sanctions once morest Russia will not be introduced before the second round of the French presidential election on the 24th of this month, so as not to affect the French election. (CCTV News)

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