Let’s take a peek at the Zodiac Forecast Monday 18 April 2022 ARIES, LEO and TAURUS. How is your zodiac luck today?

The moon continues its journey through Scorpio today, dear Aries, putting you in transactional headroom.

Unfortunately, the hard t-squared between Luna, Saturn, and the knot of destiny may make it difficult for you to run your business,
which can leave you feeling trapped and frustrated.

Luckily, you’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with your optimism this followingnoon when Luna gives lucky Jupiter a kiss.

Use this energy as an excuse to return to the drawing board and brainstorm new ways to approach your personal and professional goals.

Luna enters Sagittarius tonight, increasing your spirituality and intuition.

Your love life may feel a little overwhelming this morning, dear Taurus, as the moon Scorpio enters a harsh t-square with Saturn and the knots of destiny.

This cosmic climate threatens to plague you with uncertainty regarding the road ahead when it comes to matters of the heart,
creates internal pressure to make important decisions regarding how to move forward.

Luckily, the sweet connection between Venus, your ruling planet, and communicative Mercury can help you find clarity if you listen to your heart.

However, you may need to seek advice from a friend if you are really struggling with the situation.

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