Apple is already planning the future of photography on its iPhone 15

News hardware Apple is already planning the future of photography on its iPhone 15

Published on 04/17/2022 at 19:10

While the new iPhone 14s are expected for the start of the 2022 school year, Apple is already working on the photo part of its iPhone 15s, scheduled for 2023. We can expect a telephoto lens capable of seeing very far.


  • A big optical zoom on the iPhone 15?
  • A long process of setting up
  • What is a periscopic telephoto lens?

Since the iPhone X released in 2017, Apple has always integrated a telephoto lens on the back of its mobile terminals. At the time, this sensor mainly benefited portrait mode, but over time, the proposal has expanded. Like many smartphone manufacturers, Apple does not hesitate to go into one-upmanship on certain features of its devices, to stand out from the competition. And on the question of the telephoto lens, the Cupertino company is lagging behind: difficult for the iPhone 13 Pro Max and its x3 optical zoom to compete with the proposed x10 optical zoom on the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultraor even with the x100 digital zoom of the same camera.

Concept d’iPhone 14

A big optical zoom on the iPhone 15?

Korean site The Elec reports thatApple is currently in discussion with the supplier Jahwa Electronics so that the latter offers it a new photo modulewith a view to equipping its terminals in 2023. Jahwa is far from unknown in the sector: it is, oh surprise, Samsung’s supplier for the entire Galaxy S22 range.

Apple is already planning the future of photography on its iPhone 15

Apple would have asked Jahwa Electronics to build new assembly lines in its factories. The American company is used to doing this with its partners, in particular to avoid information leaks (missed, obviously). The contract between Apple and Jahwa would amount to 191 billion won, or approximately 143 million euros. The site adds that “the OIS sensors produced by the new assembly lines are probably intended for telephoto lenses” firm’s devices.

A long process of setting up

Setting up the assembly lines for Apple should take many more months, which would allow Jahwa Electronics to start supplying Apple “from the second quarter of next year”. A timing that would correspond to when the iPhone 15 range would enter production.

This therefore seems to confirm that this partnership has nothing to do with the iPhone 14, terminals of which we already know a lot. We can also recall that from 2020, analyst Ming Chi Kuo predicted the arrival of a periscopic telephoto lens on a next generation of iPhone : at the time, 2022 was mentioned, but it will probably not be for this year.

What is a periscopic telephoto lens?

The principle of a telescopic telephoto lens is similar to that of a submarine periscope : the light enters the lens, and a mirror arranged at an angle of 90° is there to reflect it. It then reaches the sensor located above to take a photo. The particularity of the system is to be horizontalwhich leaves him more space to work: the depth of the device no longer limits the installation of a large zoom.

Apple is already planning the future of photography on its iPhone 15

This type of technology has already been used for several years by OPPO, Huawei and even Samsung: it is nothing new but might greatly improve Apple’s photo proposition.

The horizon of 2023 already seems to be looming for Apple and its iPhone 15, while the iPhone 14 are already on the way to being considered a generation of iOS terminals that is not very innovative compared to that of the iPhone 13. This may make brand aficionados want to wait another year before changing devices.

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