the eyes of the master

© Telam

Why does Rodriguez Larreta need the sensitive data of 10,000,000 people? It is a question that both judicial investigators and the owners of that data are currently asking. The agreement of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires with the National Registry of Persons, is for information on biometric data of 40,000 fugitives from justice, with whom the millions of spies obviously have nothing to do. If you take into account that this figure triples the population of the city that Larreta governs, finding an answer to the question becomes essential.

It must be remembered that the mayor of CABA is part of an organization that is characterized by illegal espionage for at least the last 10 years. Its leader, Mauricio Macri, is currently criminally prosecuted for the crime of espionage. The objectives of these illegal activities vary according to the victims of these events. When it comes to people belonging to sectors opposed to the criminal organization, the objective is extortion and stigmatization. They are the well-known “carpetazos” with which they keep the vulnerable at bay while discrediting and demonizing the most resistant: “Cristina assassin”. Regarding the “own” who are spied on, the purpose is different. This is a typical mafia methodology to discipline them. That is why the friends, close relatives and co-religionists of the mafia leaders have been victims. Remember that Mauricio Macri spied on his own blood family.

In the current political context of the advancement of the rights throughout the world, the maneuvers of this ideological sector to condition and direct collective subjectivity become relevant. A brief comparison is in order. Progressive political proposals argue from sensitivity and empathy with the most vulnerable sectors of society. The various variants of the right, on the other hand, expose their speeches from fictions that cover up their true objectives that are essentially looting, escape of loot and subsequent impunity. These fictions have the protection of the corporations that make up the Royal Power and in turn are nourished by a sector of the collective imagination which they point to and dedicate themselves to manipulating.

It should also be taken into account that elections, in our system, are defined by small percentages of voters. For example, in 2015, they invented the figure of “la Morsa” to discredit Anibal Fernández, who lost the governorship by 4.14% of the votes. When it became known that it had been a shameful maneuver, the damage had already been done and Maria Eugenia Vidal was governor. In turn, Vidal’s boss, Mauricio Macri, won the presidential elections that year by a difference of 2.8%. It is known that the intervention of the Cambridge Analytica criminal company in England was decisive in this process for the maneuvers with which they demonized “Kirchnerism” and its candidates.

That company, as investigated by the English Senate, acquired data from 70,000,000 people on Facebook and with it, directed the behavior of voters in countries such as Nigeria, Kenya, Brazil, the United Kingdom and Argentina, among others. In 2016, they worked on the campaign with which Donald Trump narrowly won the US presidency. To do this, that campaign focused on arguing that Hilary Clinton was “corrupt.” From these experiences, the importance of being in possession of the sensitive data of a part of the population is clear.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, has biometric data of more than ten million citizens. With this impressive wealth of personal, physical and behavioral data, he is going to start his path to be the candidate of the Argentine right in the next elections of 2023. It would not be surprising if he did so accompanied by the neuroscientist Facundo Manes, obviously familiar with the management of the “big data”.

It is very important that some honest sector of the justice system investigate and determine the legal framework for the activity of Chief Larreta and his teams. Everything would indicate that these are crimes of a varied nature that range from illegal data handling (habeas data, Law 25326 and article 157 bis of the Penal Code), to espionage. But no less important is to investigate in depth, from other areas, the use of the sensitive data of a quarter of the population of our country, by unscrupulous and insatiable characters who lie in wait from high positions of power.



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