The “Pink Moon” was not really pink and made people disappointed

LUNE – It was expected and it disappointed. “Is that what you call the pink moon you?”, “she’s not even pink the Moon what is this scam”, are indignant some on Twitter with videos of a perfectly white Moon, as you can see in the video at the top of the article.

The night of Saturday April 16 to Sunday April 17 had promised a so-called “pink” full Moon mBut the expression has deceived many. The “Pink Moon” designates the first full moon of spring. Gold, pile at the same time of the year bloom in the United States, phloxes, pink in color. VSThis is where the expression “pink moon” comes from.

A Tinted Moon

Yet in some places, on the night of Saturday April 16 to Sunday April 17, thehe Moon may have taken on a certain hue. This coloring, is explained by the filtration of the earth’s atmosphere of the light of the Sun which illuminates the Moon.

It is a phenomenon which is not uncommon and which has notably been observed in Santiago in Chile, or even in certain places in France. Some were therefore luckier than others, including when they woke up.

Aficionados of the stars disappointed this night may be able to catch up next week. As specified the European Space Agency, next Saturday night will be marked by an alignment of the planets Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, observable from Earth.

See also on The HuffPost: Moon dust collected by Neil Armstrong to be auctioned

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