Migrant caravan departs from Tapachula; He was going to Mexico City

TAPACHULA. A group of almost 800 migrants left this municipality in a caravan headed for CDMX, but only advanced three kilometers to the community of Viva México, following agreeing to be transferred to the Huixtla Border Traffic Comprehensive Care Center (CAITF)), where he will be cared for until tomorrow when the INM resumes its activities.

The foreigners will remain until tomorrow at the Huixtla Border Traffic Comprehensive Attention Center (CAITF) and if they are not attended to, they will resume the caravan.  Photo: Special

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The foreigners will remain until tomorrow at the Huixtla Border Traffic Comprehensive Attention Center (CAITF) and if they are not attended to, they will resume the caravan. Photo: Special

The caravan called Via Crucis del Migrante is made up, for the most part, of women and children. 80% are Venezuelans and the rest are Nicaraguans and Hondurans.

The activist Luis García Villagrán announced that the foreigners will remain until tomorrow at the CAITF and if they are not attended to, they will resume the caravan.

After leaving the Bicentennial Park and walking 3 kilometers away, they arrived at the Viva Mexico community, where INM staff were already waiting for them; they engaged in a brief dialogue, where the INM proposal was direct and the response was immediate on the part of García Villagrán.

He explained that he delivered a list with the names of the foreigners to the heads of the INM in Chiapas, and they will not accept more migrants who are not in the relationship.

There are 756 people, of which 126 already have a humanitarian visa; however, they decided to walk in the group because, in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, INM personnel snatched their documents and returned them to the southern border,” García said.

migrants they were transferred by bus and in the so-called kennels.


Between January 1 and April 13, the INM insured 115,379 migrants during their entry and transit through the country.

Of these, 97 thousand 730 are of legal age (69 thousand 868 men and 27 thousand 862 women) and 17 thousand 649 minors (10 thousand 226 boys and 7 thousand 423 girls).

Among the group of minors, 14,105 were accompanied by an adult or guardian and 3,544 were traveling alone.

The children were under guardianship and protection of the DIF in various entities, reported the INM.

As part of the administrative procedure to define your legal situation in Mexico it was identified that 21 thousand 965 came from Honduras; 21 thousand 954, from Guatemala, and 15 thousand 907, from Cuba.

Likewise, 8,270 of Nicaraguan nationality; 6,931 from El Salvador, and 40,352 from other nations.

Of this last item, 6,188 are of extracontinental origin: 2,754 from Asia, 2,140 from Europe, 1,282 from Africa and 12 from Oceania.

The five states where the largest number of foreigners were located are Chiapas, with 25,768; Mexico City, with 13 thousand 213; Baja California (11 thousand 507), Tabasco (10 thousand 99) and Veracruz (7 thousand 794).

– Ernest Mendez


The National Migration Institute (INM) condemned the attack in which the immigration agent Lorenzo Gabriel Pico Escobar died, and two ministerial agents from the state of Chihuahua, “who were fired upon by gunmen while they were driving -as part of an official commission- in their vehicles on the Janos-Ascensión highway” .

A video circulated on social networks showing an official vehicle on fire, which presumably belonged to Pico Escobar.

The remains of the three victims are found in the Forensic Medical Service where the necropsy of law is practiced.

– Ernest Mendez


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