in 2018 Gladys Nelly del Carmen Jimenez, better known as The Tucuman Bomb, participated in Showmatch with his son Tyago Griffo. But the singer was very conditioned by the comments she received from her once morest her physique on social networks.
Although far from being silent, the singer retracted the criticism and was responsible for responding one by one. Already far from the fame of the program of Marcelo Tinelli, Gladys made a resounding change in her life.
Not satisfied with his physical appearance, La Bomba Tucumana decided to devote himself fully to training and following a rigorous diet. In this new stage the artist He lost 20 kilos thanks to the fact that he does not consume flour or meat.
“The truth is that I put a lot of will into it. Sometimes I feel like eating flour, a slice of pizza or breakfast with bread or croissants, and I don’t do it. I’m planted in the mind that I don’t have to do it and that I can go ahead”, Gladys expressed regarding what day to day is like for her new figure.
Although she continues to go on stage, the 56-year-old singer takes advantage of her worked physique to model on her networks and advise her followers, who were dazzled by this version of La Bomba.
“I have lost 20 kilos. Apart from the diet, I also do physical activity. Tape, some body factory vests that have electrodes. That is more to take care of my physique and maintain myself, because to lose what worked for me was the diet”, Gladys confessed regarding the secrets in her new habits.
But another of the things that La Bomba Tucumana did not want to overlook is the perseverance that it has day following day. Even that is something that recommends them to work and acquire their thousands of fans.
“You have to be very constant and want to be better. I wanted to see myself better, not chubby as I was. And I lost a lot of kilos with effort and sacrifice. And I still do it every day.” The singer emphasized her brand new body figure.
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