Tone and strengthen muscle in the arms: effective exercises to achieve it

Physical exercise is vital to be in shape and also enjoy good health. That is why it is important to exercise at least 15 minutes a day, as this will have a positive effect on the mind and will allow a good development of the day’s work.

Experts recommend exercising different parts of the body daily to achieve a balanced and proportionate body, which will make it look more attractive and do not see any part larger than the other, but that it be equitable.

In this case, some exercises are shown to develop strength in the arms, since it is necessary to have them strong to carry out the different tasks of daily life. In addition to accompanying these movements with a good balanced diet that allows to reach a good end.

According to Efadeporte, these are some of the benefits of exercising your arms:

  • Helps improve blood circulation.
  • They increase bone mass, that is, they strengthen bones and muscles.
  • Having strong arms is a great advantage in certain sports such as tennis.
  • There is an increase in the metabolic rate that will allow you to burn a greater number of calories.

Without further ado, the exercises to be developed proposed by Better with Health are:

1. Funds or dippings: If you have a hard time leaving the house, this is the ideal exercise and you only need a chair. Before starting, the chair should be placed once morest the wall to prevent it from moving.

Later, the person should stand with their backs to it, support the palms of the hands and bend the elbows, in such a way that it allows the body to rise and fall. In this way, you will rise with the strength of the triceps and strengthen these muscles. According to a study published by Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise a parameter of three series of between 8 and 12 repetitions of each one is established for endurance workouts.

Doing push-ups during training at home strengthens the muscles. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

2. Push-ups, very useful to strengthen the arms: the famous push-ups are another exercise that many recognize, and they are also very simple. Research also carried out by Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise details that, depending on the variety of flexion that is performed, you can also work the arms and abdomen.

For its execution, you should only lie on the ground and support your body on the tips of your feet and the palms of your hands. Next, bend your elbows so that your body drops almost to the floor. To return to the starting position, push off the floor by extending your elbows.

To avoid injury, make sure you adopt the correct posture. In this sense, it is essential to contract the muscles of the abdomen to guarantee stability.

3. Release stress with boxing: if the goal is to eliminate fat from the arms and also leads a very stressful life, this discipline turns out to be an ideal alternative. This exercise is becoming more and more popular among people with busy lives, as it helps release stress that has built up throughout the day or week.

The exercises with the bag are the most demanded, because they have the advantage that the triceps applies all the force when hitting it, something that can offer good results without the need to go into combat.

However, if boxing is not a saint of devotion, this benefit can be extended to almost all sports disciplines. This was revealed by a study published by the journal of Sports psychologywhere they ensure that exercise promotes changes in the body that allow it to respond better to stressful stimuli.

4. Lateral flights with dumbbells: Standing, you should grab a dumbbell with each hand. Raise both arms up until they are in line with the shoulders. Performing 10 repetitions in 3 series will give the desired result, depending on efadeporte.

5. Cobra pose in yoga: To carry out this last exercise, you must lie down completely on your stomach and raise your trunk by resting your palms on the ground. The arms must be tensed until they are completely straight, so that the weight of the chest is supported by the triceps.

In general, the asanas of yoga are effective exercises to strengthen the arms. This discipline has the advantage of being less aggressive than others, in addition to facilitating the proper functioning of the body.



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