“It is impossible to do radicalism” in alliance with Macri

Ricardo Alfonsín, ambassador to Spain.

© NA
Ricardo Alfonsín, ambassador to Spain.

The Argentine ambassador to Spain, Ricardo Alfonsín, was once more critical of the permanence of the Radical Civic Union in Together for Change and lambasted the macrismo. Raúl Alfonsín’s son considered that “It is impossible to do radicalism in Cambiemos”.

In radio statements, the radical leader did not hesitate to affirm that “I think the party has to get out of the PRO”, given that “it is very difficult to do serious radicalism, let’s not kid ourselves.” Questioner of the alliance formed in 2015, he remarked that “If each of the parties that make up Cambiemos begins to express themselves honestly regarding what they think needs to be done in the country, it is very difficult for that agreement to subsist”.

Alfonsín defined the troika between the UCR, the PRO and the Civic Coalition as “a front once morest nature, to the extent that it brings together forces that think differently.” He stressed that the UCR is “only nominally in Cambiemos” and that “from the ideological point of view, it is not radicalism that is in Cambiemos”. In this sense, he expressed that “it is called radicalism, but it represents something different from what we historically represent.”

The ambassador pointed out that “the polarization in Argentina is emotional rather than ideological,” and that “some establish a relationship of friend or enemy, of hatred and resentment”. He added that “it’s very worrying, that’s anything but political,” because “Politics is dialogue, if it is not violence, hate cannot generate dialogue”.

Along these lines, he pointed out the 2020 demonstrations once morest the isolation measures due to the coronavirus. “Unfortunately some opposition leaders came and the things that were said, what is that if it is not hate? Whoever believes that with hate things can be resolved better than with a civilized attitude, think, reflect and try to change. That they demand from politicians a more respectful and civilized attitude towards the adversary”.

Facing the internal radical, he estimated that in the UCR they should be “consequent” with the ideas of partisan figures that they usually honor, such as Alfonsín, Illia and Yrigoyen. “I imagine that they are honored for what they represented. The truth is that what the party is doing, until now, has very little to do with what those men who are honored so much thought, “he said on Radio 10.

Finally, he recalled the 35 years of the 1987 Holy Week military uprising, during his father’s government. “We were afraid that democracy would be interrupted as on other occasions and that military coups would return”, said. “Thank God things were resolved with the support of the entire political force and society as a whole; and we continue today with the longest period in history from the point of view of democratic institutions”hill.



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