Self-quarantined when someone close to you has been infected with “Joey Boy” reported the news of being infected with COVID-19. Revealed that besides throat irritation, there are no symptoms.
Came out to inform news infected with Covid-19 for another young rapper singer “Jo Abhisit Opas-iamdestiny” or “Joey Boy” At the latest (16 Apr 2022) News has come out to inform via personal Facebook. “Apisit Joeyboy Guide Tutorials” that…
“This morning, I checked and still got 1 line, waited half an hour, went back to look once more, got the 2nd line faded, so I tried to check once more because they told me to see the result within 15 minutes, it’s up 2 lines as well, still no symptoms. besides the throat irritation She has been quarantined at home alone for 3 days from the day she learned that a close person was infected. This season didn’t survive. Please wait to see the symptoms and treat yourself first.”
After the young Joey Boy has informed the news, then there are the fans. Came in to send encouragement to recover quickly. together quite overwhelming
Thanks Instagram : joeybangkokboy