Corona in Bavaria: Incidence continues to fall

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Von: Katarina Amtmann

The corona incidence in Bavaria continues to fall. A district from the Free State now has the highest incidence nationwide. The news ticker for Bavaria.

Update from April 15, 8:35 a.m.: The incidence in Bavaria has fallen once more. According to the RKI, it is 1061.1 on Friday (previous day: 1103.5). But: “When interpreting the current number of cases, it should be noted that due to the holidays and vacations and the associated lower testing, reporting and transmission activity, there may be an increased under-recording of cases in the reporting system in the short term.”

Corona in Bavaria: Incidence is falling – Neumarkt the lone leader

The nationwide leader is the district of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz (3190.2).

  • District of Kulmbach: 1675.8
  • District of Coburg: 1516.7
  • District of Dillingen an der Donau: 1507.6

April 14 update at 1:19 p.m: With the falling number of corona infections, the situation in Bavaria’s heavily used intensive care units is also easing somewhat. The number of corona patients fell to under 300 this week, fewer than in October last year. According to the intensive care register, 293 seriously ill Covid patients in Bavaria were treated in intensive care on Thursday. The peak was reached in early December at the peak of the delta wave with almost 1,100 intensive care patients.

Corona vaccinations in Bavaria are stagnating: almost 185,000 Novavax vaccine doses will soon expire

Update from April 14, 8:10 a.m.: The incidence in Free State has fallen slightly compared to the previous day and is now 1103.5. Vaccination once morest the corona virus has stalled in recent weeks. Vaccine, on the other hand, is plentiful – some of the doses are regarding to expire. “It’s not good if we have to discard vaccine. That is completely clear and nobody wants that either, ”said Health Minister Holetschek to the BR. “That’s why we asked everyone to order as needed, of course.”

However, the reality is currently different. According to the Ministry of Health, almost 350,000 vaccine doses with a wide variety of expiry dates are currently stored in Bavarian vaccination centers. Above all, no one wants the latest vaccine from Novavax. According to BR, almost 185,000 cans are still in stock. These would all expire at the end of July 2022, as a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health explained to BR.

Corona in Bavaria: Incidence decreases slightly – hotspots are in Franconia and the Upper Palatinate

Update from April 13, 7:05 a.m.: The seven-day incidence in Bavaria has fallen significantly once more following one day of slight increase. On Wednesday, April 13, as of 3:11 a.m., it was 1162.9 in Bavaria. The day before it was 1218.2.

The district of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz has the highest incidence with 2657.1, followed by the district of Neustadt an der Aisch-Bad Windsheim with 1870.2. While the value in Neumarkt increased significantly (from 2131) compared to the previous day, it decreased significantly in Neumarkt. This is followed by the district of Miesbach with 1862.6. The district of Regen has the lowest incidence with 628.6.

Corona incidence in Bavaria continues to descend: new rules for infected people and contact persons

However, the RKI points out that the validity of the data is limited, especially at the beginning of the week. In addition, experts have been assuming for some time that there will be a large number of cases not recorded by the RKI – due to overburdened health authorities and because not all infected people are one PCR-Test* let do. Only these count in the statistics.

As of today, there is only an isolation obligation of five days for all corona infected people in Bavaria. A subsequent free test is not necessary. However, one should be symptom-free for at least 48 hours, explained the Bavarian Minister of Health Klaus Holetschek. The mandatory quarantine for close contacts will no longer apply from today.

Update from April 12, 3:50 p.m.: From tomorrow, Wednesday (April 13), people infected with Corona in Bavaria will only have to be in isolation for five days – but these five days are mandatory, not voluntary. A final free test is not necessary. However, the prerequisite is a symptom-free period of at least 48 hours. Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) announced on Tuesday. In addition, the quarantine for close contacts is completely eliminated.

In the case of existing symptoms, infected people must remain in isolation until they no longer exist for 48 hours, but for a maximum of ten days. The correspondingly changed general decree applies from midnight.

Corona in Bavaria: “Isolation is still mandatory – a corona infection is not a private matter”

“Isolation is still mandatory – a corona infection is not a private matter,” said Holetschek. But Bavaria is continuing to develop its corona strategy and adapting it to the current situation.

“The acute respiratory infection season is coming to an end, the infection pressure is falling and the hospital burden is stable,” he said. “Therefore, we think it is more than justifiable to shorten the isolation order to five days and to lift the quarantine for close contacts.” In addition, this procedure corresponds to the considerations of the Robert Koch Institute, which recently even considered voluntary self-isolation to be permissible . “And a five-day isolation is also established internationally.”

Corona in Bavaria: Employees in clinics and nursing homes have to take a free test

The President of the State Office for Health and Food Safety, Christian Weidner, said: “If there are still acute symptoms such as fever or cough following five days, contagion can still be assumed. If the symptoms subside, from a professional point of view it is advisable to wait another 48 hours before the isolation can finally be ended.”

However, there are also exceptions: According to Holetschek, anyone who works in clinics or nursing homes, for example, can only work once more following the end of isolation if a negative test result is presented, either a negative antigen test or a PCR test with a Ct value over 30 “This is how we ensure protection,” said the minister.

For all other citizens, a final test is no longer necessary. “Nevertheless, we appeal to people to behave responsibly. That means we therefore recommend wearing a mask and reducing contacts for a while following the end of isolation,” he added.

Corona in Bavaria: Close contacts should continue to reduce contact

Even if the quarantine for close contacts who are not vaccinated or not recovered is completely eliminated, Holetschek emphasized: “Of course we continue to ask the infected to inform their close contacts regarding their infection. We also recommend that close contacts reduce contacts and work from home if possible, and voluntarily test themselves for five days.”

Update from April 12, 3:08 p.m.: Corona infected people in Bavaria only have to be in isolation for five days from this Wednesday (April 13th). A final free test is not necessary. However, the prerequisite is a symptom-free period of at least 48 hours. Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) announced on Tuesday. In addition, the quarantine for close contacts is completely eliminated.

Update from April 12, 7:52 a.m.: The seven-day incidence in Bavaria fell from 1273.2 to 1218.2 (see first report). A week ago the value was 1693.

Corona numbers for Bavaria for the last 24 hours

  • 16,764 new infections
  • 55 deaths

Corona numbers in Bavaria: According to the RKI, their significance is limited

However, the RKI points out that the validity of the data is limited, especially at the beginning of the week. In addition, experts have been assuming for some time that there will be a large number of cases not recorded by the RKI – due to overburdened health authorities and because not all infected people are one PCR-Test* let do. Only these count in the statistics.

The number of corona patients in the intensive care units has also decreased in the past few days: the Divi intensive care register reported 329 corona patients in intensive care units in the Free State on Tuesday (as of 6:05 a.m.), 128 of them had to be ventilated invasively.

Corona incidence in Bavaria continues to fall – two hotspot regions are emerging

First report from April 12, 6:11 a.m.: Munich – The incidence in Bavaria continues to fall. On Tuesday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a value of 1218.2. On Monday the value was 1273.2.

Corona in Bavaria: Three districts in Middle Franconia and the Upper Palatinate with the highest incidence

  • District of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz: 2131.3
  • District of Neustadt an der Aisch/Bad Windsheim: 2124.0
  • Ansbach district: 2058.1

Cancellation of compulsory corona vaccination? That’s what the Bavarians say regarding it

Corona situation in Munich, Nuremberg and Regensburg

There are currently three districts above the corona incidence of 2000 (see list). The current figures for the major cities in Bavaria: Regensburg (1082.9), Munich (1074.7) and Nuremberg (907.6). The district of Berchtesgadener Land has the lowest value in Bavaria with 747.7. (kam) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA



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