He left medicine for leather goods and today his backpacks and fanny packs are sought after by large companies

Strong and determined. Friendly and reserved. María Fuentes prefers to talk regarding the present, the future and the project that sheltered her in the most difficult moments and with which she transformed her life, giving her best. Always looking forward.

From making a portfolio and a design course to clear your thoughts, to launching your own design workshop leather goods. With conviction and work, she began to make herself known at entrepreneur fairs and later became a dedicated commander of a SME that does not stop receiving orders from public and private entities.

A native of Bahía Blanca, she began to flirt with the industry 18 years ago when, following receiving an anesthesia technique, she opened a store in San Martín de los Andes attracted by the world of leather goods.

Some time later, already installed in Neuquén Capital, she decided to leave her job in health, to build her own project. She enrolled in the Roberto Piazza Institute to study design and, in parallel, she began to shape her own workshop.

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Sebastian Farina Petersen

“All this was ten years ago, my son was regarding four years old. I started at home with a small machine. As I studied in an industrial school, everything related to molding became easier for me. It was just hours and hours of practice and Later, I rented a place, bought machines and joined fairs, such as Neuquén Emprende, where people began to see the work I did,” Maria recalled.

That window became a fundamental link for its growth. With a low profile, but known for her talent, she began to receive more and more orders until she became a wholesaler.


“I started making handbags out of synthetic material and continued with product lines such as shoulder bags, fanny packs, backpacks for women and teens. I saw the need that people had and I always leaned towards those products, “she commented.

“Then a boy appeared asking me if I might help him make some airbag backpacks with recyclable materials for Nipon Car. We made them and they were sent to the north of Neuquén. Later, during the pandemic, they sought me from the Trade Employees Union to make them the maternity bags”, she specified, giving an account of part of the marathon that led her to be chosen by the Pampa Energía Foundation to make 1,220 fanny packs, destined for high school and university students from Mendoza, Santa Fe, Salta, Neuquén and Buenos Aires, who participate in its accompanying program for educational trajectories.


“I also did work for the Volunteer Firefighters of Neuquén, for the gifts and recognitions that the Legislature makes and wholesale sales in Villa La Angostura, Bariloche and San Martín de los Andes. In the summer the lieutenant governor came to see me and I might not believe the work what he was doing,” he added, alluding to Marcos Koopman.

Currently, María expanded the structure of her workshop with two workers and added the collaboration of other workshops to respond to the numerous orders. Despite that, it is in all the details.

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Sebastian Farina Petersen

“Today I do the molding part, I have a person who helps me with social networks and another with sales. But I am present in everything. I really like teaching girls, I am in every seam,” she assured.

“They are challenges. I look back and I can’t believe everything I did. I did a lot and alone, without anyone’s help. Yes, with the support of my husband, but it’s difficult. Even so, I don’t realize everything I did It’s like I propose it and I work hard with all my heart to do it. And I enjoy it, it’s my job, it’s a very nice job that opens your mind a lot, “he said with gratitude.

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Sebastian Farina Petersen

“Kuien helped me get ahead. I was able to build my house, help my husband, have a salary, access a lot of things that many out there think that being independent or monotax, you can’t. And if it’s possible, if you put all the wave,” he remarked.


Although María is focused on the wholesale production of Kuien, she also carries out retail sales through her online store and eventually in her workshop, located at 12 de Septiembre 3944.



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